Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, June 11, 2021
Friday, June 11, 2021

Friday, June 11, 2021: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My Sacred Heart of love for all of you, and there is an eternal flame along with a crown of thorns. I love you so much that I died for each and every one of you. No greater love can be found that a friend gives up his life for another. Keep your focus on Me in My Eucharist, especially when you come to daily Mass. I am your strength and support to help you through life’s trials. Those people, who do not know and love Me, will suffer much more in their need. So be thankful that I am with you sacramentally and spiritually throughout the day. Show Me your love by your reverence to My Blessed Sacrament and by following My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. My faithful, who repent of their sins in Confession and perform works of mercy, will have their reward with Me in heaven. Go and share your love and faith with everyone that you meet in life.”
Jesus said: “My son, this whole subject of controlling people is nothing new to you, because you have read about this in many hard to find documents. All of these programs about controlling people are part of the one world people’s plan to control the masses and prepare you to be controlled by the Antichrist and his helpers. This is part of the elite’s control over your people. Your people right now are being brainwashed by your health officials, your political leaders, and your media to believe the big lies about the Covid virus and the lies about the need for Covid vaccines. Your economy was shut down by a lie about a virus that allowed 98.5% of your people to survive. They have forced you to wear masks and keep a distance in churches and businesses. The biggest lie is that you needed to take an experimental vaccine to return to normal. Many people have taken this bioweapon poison that causes your body to make a spike protein that spreads the virus to every part of your body. This will kill most of the vaccinated people in a few years, and the vaccinated people will spread a virus to the unvaccinated people. Refuse to take this vaccine because you do not need it, and it could kill you. Do not let the media brainwash you that you need this vaccine. Stop listening to this vaccine lie and warn your people to not be taken in by this propaganda. The evil leaders want to reduce the population of the world by killing people with this vaccine. This is a horrific propaganda that you need to avoid and not believe the big lie. Trust in Me to heal you with My Good Friday oil or by looking on the luminous cross at My refuges. I will defeat Satan and all of his lies.”
Source: ➥