Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thursday, March 4, 2021: (St Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, when you look at your children, you are blessed when I put souls and life in them. Life is precious and it should not be discarded as in your abortions. With each life I provide a plan for that new baby, and you should not deny your babies their destiny and My plan for their lives. This is why abortion is so evil, as Satan has caused you to accept the killing of My babies as legal. This is murder and it is the ultimate abuse of children. My faithful need to speak out in defense of these helpless unborn children. I applaud those faithful who protest abortions at all of the Planned Parenthood clinics and hospitals. Keep praying to stop abortions because your major punishment will come because of these killings. This is the new ongoing holocaust.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to thank all of the people who bring flowers to honor your Adoration service and to honor Me. I greatly appreciate the thought of enhancing your celebration. It is these little things that are important in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is costing a lot of money to have your National Guard troops keep on guard for your Congress people. These people are afraid of any backlash from the mobs who do not want the Democrats ramming bills through the Congress. Pray that the Senate does not try to do away with the filibuster that requires 60 votes to pass a bill. It is this 60 vote threshold that is protecting your freedoms in the US Senate. Pray that your freedoms are not taken away by the Democrats.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many political divisions and the Democrats are trying to push through all of their radical agenda like controlling the way you vote, and how you treat gender as man and woman. Pray that your Republican Senators hold together against these liberal bills that should be voted down.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden has signed Executive Orders that allow all asylum seekers to enter your country without any restrictions. This allows people with diseases to enter, as well as drug gang members and human trafficking. This will cause many problems to house these immigrants and their diseases could spread more Covid cases. This decision and others are going to bring your country down politically and financially. Pray for your country’s freedoms that they are not taken away from your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how one of your enemies in Iran is testing your new President’s resolve to protect your troops. You had Trump keep you out of unnecessary wars. Now Biden is being tested, and you need to pray that you are not drawn into another Middle East war. Pray that you can stop any new wars from breaking out.”
Jesus said: “My son, up to now you have not been traveling to your talks because of Covid testing and vaccinations to get on airplanes. It is safer for you to offer Zoom conferences to spread My Word to many people. Until you can learn it is safe to travel again without quarantines, it is better to avoid traveling, and stay with your Zoom conferences. Pray for any special requests to be resolved.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am asking you to reflect on the original penances that you started on Ash Wednesday to see if you are still remaining strong. If you have faltered, do not give up, but return to your original penances. I am happy that you are still doubling your prayers for the events that are coming in your country. Lent is a good time to improve your spiritual life for love of Me. Turning away from your evil habits is necessary to follow My ways for your lives. Stay faithful to your Lenten intention so this Lent will improve your life.”
Source: ➥