Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I called Levi to be one of My disciples, so I encourage My faithful to be My disciples by evangelizing souls to the faith. I told the Pharisees that I did not come for the self-righteous but for sinners. I am truly the Divine Physician and I come to heal your sins as well as healing your body. I love My people and you love to be with Me as much as you can. Those people, who just come to Me one hour on Sunday, are only loving Me a little. If you truly love Me, you will love Me every day in your actions. During Lent you can try to come to daily Mass and Holy Communion if you have a clean soul. See the miracle at every Mass when the priest transubstantiates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You can show Me your love in your daily prayers that you are doubling every day. By making time for Me more than your mere pleasures and duties, then I will see how sincere you truly love Me. You may have time to adore Me in Adoration, and you can pick up your daily cross and walk with Me on your Friday Stations of the Cross. I call you every day to love Me in your actions, and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are sympathizing with the people of Texas when they had to find other ways to heat their homes in a record cold weather without any electricity. Most of your natural gas heaters require electricity to operate. People had to run generators to keep their heaters running. Other people used wood, kerosene, or propane heaters for keeping warm. Not everyone had a backup plan for heating their homes, so some people had to come to warm heated public places. This caused water pipes to freeze, so having running water or bottled water was in short supply. They had to boil any water out of the pipes. If you knew there would be no heat, you could shut your water main and drain the pipes, but again people did not plan that way. Now that most people have power again, they had to fix their pipes. This is a good lesson even for people who live in cold winters in the North. I have warned My people to have some extra food, and have two alternative fuels to heat your homes in case a power outage could stop your natural gas heater. My refuge people are prepared to suffer through winters, but I will need to multiply your fuels if you need to survive several years. I will also multiply your water and food, even if you have a need before coming to My refuges. So be prepared for power outages that could be caused by an EMP attack. Trust that I will provide what you need to survive.”
Source: ➥