Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 2, 2020
Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020: (All Souls Day)
Jesus said: “My people, those souls, who pass into purgatory, have passed the first test of not going to hell. No matter how long it will take, the souls in purgatory will one day be with Me in heaven. There are various levels in purgatory. In the lowest level, the souls are being purged of their sins in the flames like hell. These souls have to remain in the flames for a set time. Once these souls are allowed to rise out of the flames, only then can your prayers and Masses help them rise higher. Some souls, who led better lives, never have to enter the lower parts of purgatory. Very few souls suffer their purgatory on earth from various chronic diseases and cancer, and they are allowed to come to heaven. Those souls, who live through the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth. Most souls, who do not go to hell, need to be purged of their earthly desires and bad habits. I will give sinners one last chance to be saved from hell, by My Warning that will give you a preview of your spiritual destination at your mini-judgment. If you fail to improve your life when you return to your body, then you will suffer the original destination of your mini-judgment. You will see your life review, and My judgment of your lives will be fair with no excuses allowed. Pray for the souls in purgatory with your prayers and Masses, and especially pray for the souls whom no one is praying for. Pray also for your older generations of your family that people have stopped praying for them.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know how crooked the Democrats are in manipulating the votes on the voting machines. In the 2016 election My angels changed the rigged ballots back to the original vote, and that is how Trump won the first time. Now in the 2020 election the Democrats will work even harder to use computer programs to change your votes. With your prayers for a fair election, I will again have My angels stop the manipulation of the voting machines. My angels will also nullify any illegal ballots from criminals, dead people, and illegals, especially with the absentee ballots. You are also praying for a pro-life candidate as Trump to win re-election for President. You may have some judgments from the Supreme Court to keep the election fair. Lawyers may be examining the absentee ballots to see if they are legal. With enough prayer, your President could win re-election. Trust in Me to protect your President’s life.”
Source: ➥