Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you have your two great grandchildren with you today, and you brought the little ones to Me at today’s Mass. The saints are happy to see these innocent souls, and you need to pray for them and guide them to My sacraments. In another week you will be bringing two more of your great grandchildren to be baptized in the faith. I love all of the little children, which is why I want your people to stop killing My babies in the womb by your abortions. Each baby has a soul, and these babies are My gifts of life. When you kill a baby by abortion you are rejecting My gift and you are not allowing My plan for that life to be carried out. You all have a mission in life, so do not reject My gift, but allow your children to be born. Do not be so selfish in killing life, but allow these little ones to have life. Each child is special, so you need to nourish them and teach them the faith as well as their schoolwork.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a window pushed in was in the suburbs and it is a sign how the riots in your cities are going to move out to the suburbs. As you draw close to election day, you will see violent riots from Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. They will spread their riots out into the suburbs, and these mobs are trying to cause a civil war. You will see the National Guard combine with gun carrying patriots who will battle with the communist mobs for keeping your freedoms. Your President may have to declare martial law to fight these mobs. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges if your lives are in danger.”
Jesus said: “My people, the spirit of enthusiasm is stronger with your Trump rallies. The problems will come in counting your ballots. Some people are voting early in person, while others are mailing in their absentee ballots. Pray that the Democrats do not flood your polls with illegal ballots. You will need to verify that people are not voting multiple times, or in different states. If people mail in absentee ballots early, and they want to change their vote, some states allow people to vote in person to nullify an absentee ballot by the same person. Pray for your President to win his re-election, and stay alive.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Hunter Biden scandal was revealed on his laptop hard drive. The information on the hard drive is strong evidence against the Bidens who accepted millions of dollars from China and the Ukraine. You have deep state people in your FBI who have not released any information while having the hard drive for a long time. This information is strong enough to make a criminal case against the Bidens for buying foreign influence. This proves another case how Biden is a corrupt criminal. Vote for your President to keep your freedoms.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you could see an assassination of a public figure. There are many evil people who want President Trump dead. You will continue to see more attempts on his life, especially if he wins the 2020 Presidential election. Keep praying for My protection of your President’s life. My angels and his body guards have protected him for now.”
Jesus said: “My people, many patriots are proud of your flag, your Declaration of Independence, and your Constitution that supports your three branches of government. You have the Executive Branch with your President, his cabinet, and the Vice President. You have the Legislative Branch that includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. You have the Judicial Branch of the Supreme Court that has nine Justices. This Democratic Republic has run your government since the ratification of your Constitution. Do not let the liberal socialist communists take over your government because they will take away your rights and freedoms.”
Jesus said: “My people, your people have an important election to vote between a Constitutional government, or an eventual communist state. You could see a contested vote that may have to be decided by your Supreme Court. The latest three Justices, put in by your President, could swing the vote to your President. Pray for a fair election, but not one that is drawn out with illegal ballots. In a close election, your lawyers may have to decide which ballots are legal. Pray your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for your President to win this election.”
Jesus said: “My people, if the communists win this election, your country would be like an elevator that would fall to the bottom. You are praying your 24 Glory Be Novena for your President to win his re-election. Your prayer group will be praying your rosaries on the Monday before the Election Day. You need to pray hard for your nation to be preserved. If the communists take over, you will lose all of your freedoms, especially your freedom to worship Me. Trust that My power is greater. If the communist do take over, I will call you to My refuges so you will be protected from the evil ones.”
Source: ➥