Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, September 28, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you all came into this world naked and without anything, and you will leave this world without even your body. It is your soul that will be left in the end, and this is why I ask you to put Me first in your life. I am your Creator and the Judge of your life. Keep your focus on Me and do not be worried about your money or your possessions, for these things are temporary. But your soul and I are eternal. Your job is to help save your soul and the souls of others. By following My Commandments, repenting of your sins in Confession, and helping your neighbor by good works, you will be saved with Me in heaven. So just as Job was tested and remained true to his faith in Me, so all of you must do likewise by doing everything for My glory, without concern for possessing anything in this life. Your goal is to be with Me forever in heaven, so be faithful to Me at all times.”
(At Emmetsburg Shrine, Md. with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Our Blessed Mother of Lourdes said: “My dear children, your souls are so precious to me and Jesus, yet some souls are gambling with their souls if they follow Satan’s earthly pleasures down into hell. You see the little children and how precious they are to both Jesus and me. So pray to stop all abortions. I want all of you to be as little children, no matter what age, so you can enter heaven. You are to be loving, innocent, and obedient to my Son’s Commandments in order to come to heaven. Keep close to us in Holy Communion, Mass, my rosary, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and you will be safe in my Son’s graces. Have no fear of the events to come because my Son is all powerful, and He will have His angels guide and guard my children. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is with us here, and we thank you for your prayers and your visit to this holy place. Focus on your daily prayers and your consecration to us every day in all that you do.”
Source: ➥