Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020: (old Church - Corpus Christi)
At a meeting place for Mass, after Holy Communion, I could see an accelerator pedal on a bus, and it got pushed right to the floor. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an accelerator pedal being pushed to the floor, representing how I am speeding up the time ever faster to shorten the time of the evil ones and the Antichrist. I told you before that I will be speeding up the earth on its axis to shorten the evil time for the sake of My elect. You can see how the left’s troublemakers are doing everything to stir up the people over the race issue. They also are trying to defund the police and cause riots and looting. When more shooting starts, your President will be forced to call in the National Guard to protect the people and the small businesses. You cannot let the anarchists control things, or your rule of law will be lost. Pray that the left bullies can be controlled, or you may see a martial law. You do not want a civil war, but if things continue to get worse, you will see a battle between the left and the patriots. The devil’s time is short, so call on My angels to protect you before I will need to call My faithful to My refuges.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the eyes are the window to the soul. In some cases you can see love in the eyes of a good person. In other cases you can sense evil coming from a bad person. I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies. I AM love, and if you want to come to heaven, you need to have your sins cleansed and love everyone. You are seeing bad people doing bad things, but you need to pray for them and love them. It is not easy to love everyone, but this is required on your way to perfection.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the old Church calendar today you are celebrating Corpus Christi. I know many of My faithful are daily Mass people, and it is difficult to find a Mass during this virus time. Some of you attend Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and you are My special loved ones because of your devotion to Me. I am calling My faithful to reach out to help save souls. Pray for the souls of your family that they will be saved before they die. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know My faithful are frustrated that some pastors have not opened their churches for some to attend Mass. This is difficult when your bishop and governor are not condoning Mass attendance. There are some priests who do have daily Mass. If your church does not have Mass, pray for these priests to open up. You can also go to another church where they have Mass. As you are reaching the third stage of opening, you could see more churches opening at least partially. Give praise and thanks to Me that Mass will be more available to the people.”
Jesus said: “My people, it may not be easy to carry the Blessed Sacrament in your neighborhoods today, but you could pray for your neighborhood by walking around as you pray your rosaries. You could even drop a little exorcised salt along your path. By reaching out to everyone in prayer, you are blessing the people of your neighborhood. You need more prayers to calm down the violence that is going on in your streets. My power is stronger than all the evil people and demons, so call on Me to bring My angels down on your country to quell this evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, right now your priests are streaming Masses on the internet. You are missing Holy Communion, and there are more graces given out when the people are attending Mass with the priest. It is this extra grace that is being blocked and people cannot receive Me in person. When you restore open Masses, you will be sending out more graces to all of your neighborhoods. So stop restricting My people from attending Mass, because you need to spread My graces by your attendance at Mass. This is why I want My faithful to attend Mass in person as much as you can, instead of watching Mass on TV, or the internet.”
Jesus said: “My people, anything that keeps you from coming to Sunday Mass is definitely evil. The devil is using your fear of death to keep you from coming to Mass in person. With distancing and masks, your people should be able to come to Mass in church. Use your new third stage opening to encourage your priests to have Mass, and stop keeping you from receiving My Eucharist. Keep praying to open your churches, and pray for grace for your priests to open your churches for Mass and Holy Communion.”
Jesus said: “My people, I realize how difficult it is for some priests to be brave enough to open their churches, even for a smaller number of people. My faithful, who seek out My Mass, are also to be commended for their efforts. For these brave priests and faithful, I will send My special graces to strengthen these people against the devil’s temptations. I will also send My angels to encourage these faithful and all Christians to come closer to Me so they can endure this pre-tribulation and the tribulation of the Antichrist to come. Keep praying your daily prayers and coming to at least monthly Confession.”
Source: ➥