Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Our Blessed Mother of Fatima said: “My dear children, it is a joy for me to come to you again in memory of my apparitions to the three children of Fatima, Portugal. I encouraged them as well as my children of today to pray your daily rosaries, and especially to lift this restriction of the churches, so people can attend daily and Sunday Mass. I also encourage you to adore my Son’s Blessed Sacrament whenever you can. You remember the sign that was given in the sky. I told the people in 1917 that if they did not pray enough that a worse war would befall them. I also mentioned that without enough prayer, Russia would spread her errors all over the world in communism, as you see today. You saw World War II come as a punishment. Now, you have abortions all over, and you will see a further punishment in the virus that will return in the fall. My Son will call all of His faithful to His refuges when the fall corona virus will kill many people worse than before. Trust in His words and be prepared for the Warning and your calling to refuge protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all have been going through this pre-tribulation with a threat of this corona virus to cause more deaths than the normal flu. This virus is unnatural because countries North and South of the equator are having many cases. If this was a natural flu epidemic, there would not be so many cases in the warmer climates. Instead, an HIV strain has been attached to this corona virus which allows it to spread rapidly, and bind with your blood cells. That is why it is a laboratory creation. Because of all of your social distancing and wearing masks, the number of new cases is going down. I have told you how a worse virus will be unleashed in the fall, and this danger for your lives can call you to My refuges. I am showing you a fork and a spoon because after My victory over the evil ones, you will be invited to My Wedding Feast in heaven. So be patient and bear with your physical difficulties, because you will be with Me to celebrate My victory in heaven as you know the end of the story. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you to remain faithful to Me in your love for Me.”
Source: ➥