Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Sunday, April 5, 2020: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, your readings start out with honoring Me with palms. Later, the people turned on Me when they thought I blasphemed, when I declared that I was the Son of God. When you read the long Gospel, you started with My first Mass in the upper room. Judas was My betrayer for thirty pieces of silver, and he betrayed Me with a kiss. Still later, the devil led Judas to hang himself. You read how the high priest tore His garments when I declared that I was the Son of God. This led to My scourging and a judgment by Pilate that I would be crucified. I carried My cross down the Via Dolorosa and up to Calvary where I was crucified. You remember well all of My Stations of the Cross. I suffered and died on the cross to offer everyone salvation for their souls, if they would repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness. On the third day I arose from the tomb as I brought My victory over sin and death. Even now My faithful are suffering their Good Friday amidst this corona virus. Your life will be changed, as you prepare to come to My refuge when your lives will be in danger with the fall virus. Trust in My protection and pray to Me for any needed healing from this virus.”

Source: ➥