Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Thursday, March 26, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been taking precautions to avoid crowds so you could limit the number of new cases of the corona virus. You have been praying for all the people who have been infected and may be dying. Today, I want you to expand your intentions to all sick people who are suffering and dying. Also pray for your healthy people who are living in quarantine to limit any new cases of the virus. Many people are out of work and are now filing for unemployment benefits. Pray that your Congress can settle their differences and pass this aid package for your employers and workers. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you every day.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this corona virus has caused more cases in America than any other nation. Your death rate from infected people is about 1.5%, but the cases have not yet peaked. You are seeing a real need for more ventilators to help serious cases in New York State. The grocery stores and banks are still open, but many other businesses are closed and will need funds from your proposed relief bill. You will be seeing a deep recession despite whatever your stock market does. Pray that your jobs will come back, but you will still see more severe problems in the fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, as a result of your quarantine attempt, very few people are out in your streets to buy groceries and do some banking. Many sports places and movie theaters are closed to avoid crowds. It is difficult for businesses to work from home, but there is more on line business going on that does not require physically coming to a store. This is an unusual life without Mass and your normal activity. Pray that this virus will have less cases as your spring weather warms up.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen a 96-0 vote to pass a relief bill in the US Senate that will help employers and workers. It is up to the House of Representatives to pass the Senate bill, because the original House bill was voted down. Now is not the time to try and pass controversial political favors while the people wait for something to pass to the President. If the House changes anything, then it would be delayed back to the Senate. Pray that your politicians will see the need is great now, and they can send something to your President.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see more panic buying in your stores with some empty shelves. I told you that there is no food shortage, and your shopkeepers are struggling to keep their shelves stocked with needed food. It is necessary to avoid martial law, or your country could be close to a takeover of your government. Your President does not want a socialist country, so he is only using his power sparingly. Pray that he could bring your country through this trial of a pandemic virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, it took China several months to keep the virus from expanding, but their numbers could be higher than reported. In America it may also take a few months to calm down the spread of this virus. The longer this shutdown lasts, the longer it will take to bring your businesses back to a more normal life. It is necessary for your people to hold back until your cases stop increasing. Pray that your economy will come back, but there is danger of a worse virus in the fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, without the weekend Masses it is hard to keep your churches out of the red in the needed support to run your churches. Your parishioners need to try and send some support to your closed churches, or they may have to close permanently. It is hard to ask support when some people are not working. Keep praying for this virus to stop, or your recession could grow deeper.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see your hospitals overloaded with severe virus cases, you can see why factories are needed to make medical supplies, and your government is mobilizing the means to get these needed supplies to your hospitals. You need to thank the volunteers and government people for delivering these medical supplies to where they are needed. Your relief bill will be soon available to help fund your companies and workers so their businesses and jobs are not lost. This is a monumental effort to try and save your economy from failing. Pray that your people can get through this trial of the virus so you have food to eat, and jobs available in the aftermath.”

Source: ➥