Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Tuesday, January 14, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, you are sharing My joy of deliverance from your sins as you witness My Baptism. In the vision you are seeing Me, the Holy Spirit as a dove, and God the Father was speaking: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ In every Baptism that takes away original sin, you are blessed with the Sign of the Cross, as the Blessed Trinity is invoked to free you of your sins. Not only is your original sin forgiven, but you are brought into My Church as part of My faithful. As a member of My Church, you are anointed priest, prophet, and king to go out and evangelize people so they can have faith in Me also. You did not call Me, but I have called all of My people to know, love, and serve Me on this earth. Give praise and thanks to Me for inviting you to be a part of My Church through your Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My son, your priest gave you an extra blessing of the Holy Spirit to give you strength and protection on your trip to Puerto Rico. You will be praying over the people there and giving them My words of hope and encouragement. Many people are without power, lights, and fuels for their cars. These people could use some miracles from Jesus to help them through their trials. These trials could be a means to convert some people into believers in Me. My disciples need to show them how important it is to trust in Me to help them get back on their feet.”

Source: ➥