Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019


Friday, June 7, 2019:

Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children who are so lovable and innocent. I have told My faithful how unless they become like loving children, they cannot enter heaven. You saw how the pre-schoolers made hand prints in plaster with a picture of themselves imbedded in the plaster. This was one of their gifts for their fathers for Father’s Day. It is sad that fathers are not always faithful to their children, either from abuse or divorce. Many single parent families leave the mother to work and take care of her children. Pray for the children of broken families that they can find love with their parents and Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message I advised you to stock up on some more dried foods because of a possible famine from all the wet fields of the farmers. I thank you and your friends for making a trip to get some more dried food for your refuges today. I also recommended buying some more protein with dried meats and dried eggs. These are appropriate because dried foods do not require refrigeration, and they will last longer. Some people have responded to My call to stock up on at least one year’s supply of food for each member of your household. A good majority do not see the need to buy food because they do not realize how your stores could be shut down very quickly. Your stores only have three days supply of food. If a disaster hits and the trucks cannot deliver the food, you would see empty shelves in a day. People need to understand that an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack would stop your vehicles, your banks, and your food. So be prepared, or you risk starving to death.”

Source: ➥