Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, June 3, 2019
Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions, Uganda)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading how the Holy Spirit was active in helping the apostles and St. Paul in baptizing the people. My faithful need to witness your Christian faith by helping those people who seek your help. When you help your neighbor in need, you are helping Me in them. Show your love all the time to Me and your neighbor. This is the best way to show Me and others that you truly are a believer, and you practice what you preach. You may have to endure persecution for My Name’s sake, but you need to love everyone, even your persecutors. Loving your enemies could even help them to have a change of heart. Do not be selfish, but be willing to share your money, your time, and your talents with those in need.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told all of My faithful to love one another, and even to love your enemies. It is unfortunate that your media is full of hate for your President. You even have some legislators in the House of Representatives that actually want to impeach your President for no apparent crime. The opposition party is so against your President because he is defying all the plans of the deep state, and he is solidly defying socialism, which the radical left supports. The one world people are frustrated with your President because he is tearing down the globalist plans. You need to pray that all of this hate can be stopped, so your government can do their job of governing. Pray for more love and less hate.”
Source: ➥