Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 31, 2019
Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019: (Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this message is about the sin of abortion. You are defying God in sin twice with an abortion. First, you are killing an innocent, defenseless unborn baby. Second, you are defying God’s plan for the unborn baby’s life in your abortions. Think about what would have happened if St. John the Baptist or Jesus had been aborted. You would not have been saved by my Son’s death on the cross. Every life is important, and people do not have the right to take away God’s plan for any life. When mothers claim they have rights over their own body, they forget that the unborn baby is not part of their body. The baby has different DNA in his or her make-up, and the mother is only providing nourishment for the baby. Because you are aborting so many babies every year, Our Lord is taking away His protection from your storms. You are seeing your punishment for your abortions in all the destruction of your tornadoes and floods. When you are brought to your knees, then you might realize the connection between your sins of abortion, and your punishment in natural disasters. Wake up America, and pray to stop your abortions, or you will face worse disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the priest consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every Mass. For those people, who believe in My Real Presence, coming to daily Mass is an opportunity to see this miracle every day. Receiving Me in Holy Communion is a glorious opportunity to be with Me intimately for a short time. I have allowed miracles of My Eucharist to give evidence to unbelievers that I am truly Present in every Host. Sometimes you see blood appear on the consecrated Host, and other times you can see Blood in or on the cup. Just as I gave proof to My apostles that I truly resurrected by My appearances and eating fish, so I am giving you proof of My Eucharistic Presence. Give praise and thanks to Me that I am with you always in My consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine.”
Source: ➥