Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, May 6, 2019
Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how St. Stephen was winning the debates against his peers because he spoke the truth about Me. Because these evil ones hated St. Stephen, and they wanted to get rid of him, they brought false witnesses against him with their lies before the Sanhedrin. Eventually, they stoned him when he saw a vision in heaven. These are the same tactics of lies that you are seeing today in your own politics. You saw an innocent Bret Kavanaugh persecuted by unconfirmed lies from a woman who complained about Bret, only to try and stop his Supreme Court confirmation. Once her story could not be confirmed, her lies were found out, and Bret was confirmed by the Senate. You are also seeing more lies in the Mueller Report that was falsely brought against your President, who was harassed for speaking the truth. Those people, who lie and support abortion, will pay for their crimes against My laws. When the opposition party could not win an argument of truth with your President, they resorted to lies and false allegations to try and impeach your President. Lies and deceit are the tools of the devil, and I have protected your President from this evil lot, who are trying to take over your country. I love all of My people, but you will soon have to bear the cross of the coming tribulation. This will be a test of your faith, but I will protect My people at My refuges.”
Source: ➥