Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an uprising in Venezuela because the people have no food under a communist rule. There is an attempt to overthrow the current leader, but there are Russian planes present. The tank you saw in the vision, could indicate a coming war in this country. You are seeing communist movements in both Central and South America. Three million people have already left Venezuela because of the bad conditions. Even humanitarian aid is hard to get into this country because of the military regime. Pray for these people who are fighting for their freedom.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you saw your President enumerating the attack on the Jewish synagogue in California, and several other attacks on churches. He was standing up for your freedom to worship without threats from terrorists. He also spoke out in defense of all life, even the unborn. Your society is under attack on your basic freedoms, and evil people are behind these killings and shootings. Pray for the victims of these crimes.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil one is inspiring arson attacks on many churches in your country. You saw a recent huge fire that destroyed St. Joseph’s Church in Phoenix, Arizona. You know this church because Fr. Michel Rodrigue offered Mass there with you. You also protested abortion with Fr. Michel at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Phoenix, Ar. It was a fire that was on May 1st the feast day of St. Joseph the worker, at this church of St. Joseph. I have mentioned how you will be seeing more attacks on the churches with fires and terrorist attacks with assault rifles. The church and synagogue attacks are going on all over the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading several reports of the protests against the communist leader of Venezuela. The people have little or no food, and hard to find medicines. Many have left the country for survival. This leader is being backed by Russia, and he is mobilizing his military to put down the protests in the streets. Pray for these people because the military is even stopping humanitarian aid from entering the border.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing frequent tornadoes in the Midwest and the South that are a continuing punishment for your abortions. In Davenport, Iowa along the Mississippi River, floods are coming into the city. You are seeing even late snow events out West. Your weather has been colder for this time of year, and the trees and flowers are late to come out. Again, pray for the victims of your bad weather and floods.”
Jesus said: “My people, now that the Mueller Report did not find collusion with Russia or obstruction against your President, the opposition party is trying to attack your Attorney General. If he pursues an investigation of the FBI leaks and misdeeds, there could be a reverse accusation against the political people who made attempts to unseat your President. The degree of hate among the opposition party and your media has not ever been so long lasting as this attempt to impeach your President. I have had My angels protecting your President from all the attempts to kill him. He has been given some time to stop your takeover, but eventually you will be taken over as further punishment for your abortions.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a liberal control of your colleges, schools, and history books. This is part of a communist movement to rid Me and prayer out of your schools. The teachers are espousing socialism as the only choice for their students. They also are encouraging atheism as they brainwash their students. These same socialists are trying to take over your churches with a global religion without Me. There are also attacks against the family in encouraging homosexual marriages and other sinful perversions in your movies and your politically correct behavior against My Commandments and promotion of abortion. Your society is being broken down by attacks on the family, the church, and your government. Your country was founded on My precepts, and America needs to repent and come back to Me, so I can forgive you of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can come to Me in trust for My help to battle the heretics and paganism in your secular society. Many people have lost their faith, and they need to see the errors in their ways. I will be bringing My Warning to give all sinners a chance to see their errors, and I will give each of you an opportunity to turn your lives around from the evil in your hands. You will have a life review and a judgment that will wake up some sinners when they see hell and purgatory waiting for them. Change your life now in following My Commandments, and you will have less suffering at your Warning. There are only two final destinations: love with Me in heaven, or hate with the devil in hell for all eternity.”
Source: ➥