Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday, April 13, 2019: (St. Martin I)
Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow you will be starting Holy Week with Palm Sunday and a reading of My Passion. Yesterday, you did a beautiful Stations of the Cross with your personal feelings of each station that pleased Me very much. As you hear My Passion, you will hear of My scourging, My trial, My walk with My cross to Calvary, and My Crucifixion on the cross for all humanity. This suffering and death on the cross, is My gift to all of you out of love, as I offered My life to save all souls who accept Me and love Me. This holiest week of the year is the culmination of your own Lenten sacrifices and devotions. Your fasting, prayers, and what you gave up, is your own little Calvary which helps to renew your faith in Me. You appreciate more how special My sacrifice is, as you share your pains and troubles with Me on My cross. I want you to make an effort to come to all of the Triduum services, and especially your joy in My Resurrection.
I want to wish your brother Mike and your sister-in-law Joanne a happy 50th anniversary of marriage as they will be renewing their vows of marriage today. I thank them for their dedication to keeping their marriage sacred through the years, and their dedication to loving Me and My Blessed Mother as well. We love Mike and Joanne and all the faithful who are helping to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. This rising from the dead is My greatest miracle, and I am an example of how all of My faithful will also rise from the dead on the last day of judgment.”
(Palm Sunday 4:30 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, today you have read My Passion in the Gospel. Because I was performing unusual signs as feeding thousands of people, raising people from the dead, walking on water, and healing people, the Jews thought I was a threat to them. Many people were coming to hear My sermons, and I claimed to be God’s Son. This is why the Jews wanted to kill Me. They had a mock trial, and the people were inspired by their leaders to have Me crucified. Judas became the traitor to showing the Pharisees where I could be found. He handed Me over to the Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver. I suffered much to bring salvation to all of mankind. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life, so My faithful could be justified in heaven.”
Source: ➥