Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019


Monday, April 8, 2019:

Jesus said: “My people, in this world of yours, you do not always see justice carried out, as many people get away with their crimes undetected. But I see all that is happening and I know all the circumstances. At the judgment you all will be held accountable for all of your sins and crimes. In the first reading from the Book of Daniel, you saw how the two elders plotted to have unlawful relations with Susanna. She refused their attempts, even when they threatened her with a false adultery claim. It was Daniel’s wisdom that saved Susanna’s life when the two elders perjured themselves with conflicting stories of finding them under a mastic or an oak tree. Justice was served that day. You are seeing many people living together in fornication without marriage. The morals of your country have been degraded, and this is why you have many family problems. The children are suffering without a proper marriage environment. This is another case where the sins of some are affecting your whole society, when the children are not always loved, and they may be abused in babysitting. At the judgment all of your dark sins in secret will be revealed in the Light, and My true justice will be carried out.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching Holy Week beginning this Sunday with Palm Sunday. You will be reading about My Passion, and how I suffered to bring salvation to all of mankind, if you would accept My gift. You remember when St. John the Baptist baptized Me in the Jordan River. Once I died, I brought you a new Baptism in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You saw the wave of water in the vision. So now when you are baptized with water, you are joined with Me in the beginning of your faith life. You are now prince, prophet, and king, so My faithful can go out and spread the Good News of My Resurrection to everyone. It is hard for all of you to suffer your Good Friday, but it is glorious to celebrate My Easter Resurrection. I bring you new life in the Spirit as you celebrate the weeks of Easter. You remember Me telling you that all of heaven is rejoicing even more on Easter Morning of My Resurrection. It is then that you realize why I had to come to earth and die for all of your sins. This is why it is important to have all of your babies baptized into the faith, so they can grow up and experience My love in their lives. When you attend a Baptism, you repeat the truths of the faith in your Apostles’ Creed. All of My faithful are called by their Baptism to go out to all the nations and evangelize souls to come to Me. You are experiencing the Living Water of the Holy Spirit at every Mass.”

Source: ➥