Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019: (Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you heard the priest say: ‘Remember thou are dust, and unto dust thou shall return.’(Gen. 3:19) You have your ashes on your forehead right where the angel has placed your invisible cross to get into My refuges. This is the beginning of the Lenten Season when purple vestments are used for forty days. This time of repentance relates to the forty days I spent in the desert, and the devil tempted Me three times. You are thinking of what penances you could do to restrain your body to the will of your soul for love of Me. This is the day of salvation, and you could start your fasting, prayers, almsgiving, and time for repenting in Confession. Whatever penance you choose, you should resolve to keep it throughout these forty days. If you want to do an extra penance, you could even include Sundays to continue your choice of penance. Remember that you will be working to improve your spiritual life every day of Lent. Call on Me to help your resolve in your penances for Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me talk about your unusual weather that has been giving record cold and snow amounts. You have had violent winds and tornadoes that have killed people, along with constant snow storms. Your people still do not see the link between your bad weather and your abortions and infanticide as in the Gosnell movie. Some states are putting almost no limit on when you could kill My babies in their new laws. Your people should be appalled at the killing of a million babies by abortion every year. Your country and your states will be punished for killing My babies, and your severe weather is a payback. America needs to repent and make reparation for killing your children. If you keep passing worse laws on abortion, you are challenging My justice. Change your ways America, before I will change them for you.”
Source: ➥