Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 12, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018:
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the flame of love in the heart of Jesus, and I give life to every soul. You are My Temple where I dwell until the end of your life. You know My seven gifts and how I inspire you to give your talks, and I help you to write down your messages. Every time you make the Sign of the Cross, you are invoking My power. I bring you the deep longing to be with all of Us, especially in the Real Presence of Jesus in His Eucharist. It is a shame that some priests do not recognize the Presence of the Holy Trinity in every Holy Communion. All Three of Us Persons of God are present in every Holy Communion, and We do demand reverence for our Presence. In the Bible it says how you all must kneel before Us, and give glory to Us. All the angels both good and evil, must bend their knee to their Creator at the Name of ‘Jesus’. All humans must also bend their knee when you hear the Name ‘Jesus’. I call on all of Our faithful to stand up for your belief in the Blessed Trinity and defend us against all heretics and heretical teachings. Even if you may be killed as a martyr, you must maintain your allegiance to Us every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, you saw the widow’s mite as she placed a few copper coins into the Treasury, but it was all she had to live on. Some people only put in a token amount in the Sunday collection, when they could donate more. My people should be willing to share 10% of their income to My Church, your food shelves, and other worthy charities. I love a cheerful giver. The more you share, the more graces you will be storing up in heaven for your judgment. So do not be selfish and be willing to share meaningful donations. When you share what you have, you are thanking Me for all the gifts that I have given you. When you give your donation, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. In other words, give freely without holding back. Your wealth is temporary, and it will pass away, so use it to help people while you still can.”
Source: ➥