Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, March 19, 2018
Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19, 2018: (St. Joseph, stepfather of Jesus)
St. Joseph said: “My son, you all have prayed to me at every one of your prayer meetings, but you could pray to me every day as well. You pray to my spouse, Mary, and my foster Son, Jesus, but you could include me in your daily prayers as well. I am a good example for all fathers and husbands to follow. You can call on me for help in all of your refuge projects. You know I am in construction and working with wood, so I could help you in your needs. Call on me for my intercession, and I will be there to help you.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see this open basket, you need to be open to My requests to help you through life. You need to listen to My Word, and turn off the noise and distractions of the world. As you come closer to Me, you even need to detach yourself from earthly things, and seek out My spiritual things. This is why it is good to seek out some quiet time with Me, so you can hear My words. This latest Lenten mission has encouraged you to have a dialogue with Me, or a two way conversation to help you with your missions. I have given you some projects to work on for your refuge, and you have been faithful in carrying them out. You can ask Me questions if you do not understand what I am asking. I usually give you explanations that are logical and spiritually motivating. I am always here to lead you and help you in your missions. Continue to trust in Me for all that I am asking of you.”
Source: ➥