Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you can see how the just man who puts his trust in Me for everything, will be on a path to Me in heaven. But the man who puts his trust in other people only, is on a path to hell for not accepting Me into his life. I call people to be charitable to the poor, and share what you have with others out of love for Me. When you help the poor and the less fortunate, you are helping Me out of love, because I am in them. This is paralleled in the Gospel when the rich man did not lift a finger to help Lazarus in his need. The rich man was too selfish, and lived only for himself, without loving Me or Lazarus. As a result, he was condemned by his own actions to suffer forever in the flames of hell. I want people to come to Me in heaven out of love for Me, but some people may come out of fear of being in hell forever. Your outlook on life should be one of loving Me and loving your neighbor by your good deeds and prayers. I will reward the loving person in heaven, but those people who refuse to love Me and their neighbors, are on a path to hell. Those souls in hell have a soul body that will burn forever in pain, and will not be consumed by the flames. Hell is a place of hate for all souls who hate Me or reject My love. Pray for such souls, who are living, so they could be saved from such a fate in hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at first people were critical of a deputy for not entering the school while the gunman was shooting. Now the truth has come out that the sheriff told the officers not to enter, but only to form a perimeter. This is against normal training, and it allowed the man to kill more students. This and other reports of other shots, give suspicion that this was another false flag event to get rid of people’s guns. Pray to stop this killing of students, and put some protection in your schools.”
Jesus said: “My son, I know you are following God the Father’s request to return His picture to the altar because of the Eternal Father prayer group’s name. On Sunday you heard the account of My Transfiguration, and this is the scene of God the Father’s Presence. This is the picture God the Father had you choose for Michele Davis to paint. God the Father said: ‘This is My Beloved Son; listen to Him.’”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen record high temperatures for this time of winter. Now you are hearing a forecast of another sudden snow storm. You can imagine how your warm and cold are unusual during normal winter months. Do not be surprised that there are evil men who are manipulating your weather to cause problems among your people. Pray that your people will not have any serious power outages. You can pray the storm prayer in your Pieta prayer book to help with your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing people getting sick from the flu. This has been an unusual year for so much flu and bronchitis. It appears that such sickness is continuing, and could well be related to the viruses that are being placed in the chemtrails. Pray for your sick people to recover and get better. Many people are keeping away from each other, and they are washing their hands more. Now is a good time to build up your immune system with Hawthorn and vitamin C.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how there are demons attached to your addictions. When you pray deliverance prayers, as the long form of the St. Michael prayer, you are praying to stop the demons who are behind your addictions. You have drug, alcohol, smoking, gambling, and pornography addictions to mention a few. Lent is a good time to work on breaking such addictions, so you can come closer to Me in Confession. Call on My help to stop the conditions that cause you to sin against Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to develop some good prayer lives to help you avoid the devil’s temptations. Try to establish a special prayer time when you can pray without any distractions. This may mean turning off the constant noise of your TVs and radios. It is only in quiet contemplation that you can hear My voice to direct your lives. Your prayer time should be your first priority over all of your earthly concerns. By keeping Me at the center of your lives, you will find praying to Me is easy to show your love for Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not wait until your dying breath until you decide that you want to come to heaven. There are some people who were fortunate to have a death bed conversion. You could die suddenly, and you would not have time to prepare for your death. You can start with frequent Confession so you can keep your soul cleansed of all sins. Start also to show Me your love by conversing with Me in your daily prayers. I need to see that you love Me more than just one hour a week at Mass on Sunday. You have many hours during the week to pray and show Me your love. Be prepared for your death because your time here on earth is very short.”
Source: ➥