Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading about King David, you see how he had his people numbered for knowing how many potential soldiers he could command. The seer, Gad, came to David to tell him about God’s punishment, and David chose three days of pestilence out of three choices. As a result, thousands of his people died. In another time David committed adultery with Bathsheba and he had her husband killed. Nathan came to David with the punishment to his son and family for his sins. If King David has to suffer punishments for his sins, then how am I to punish America for its sins of abortion, euthanasia, adultery, and fornication? This is why you are seeing so much destruction in your three severe hurricanes, your fires, your mud slides, tornadoes, and snow storms. If your people do not repent and change their lives, I told you before, that you will see even more severe destruction. You have Lent coming, so now would be a good time for prayer and Confession. Just as in the Gospel when I was not accepted as a prophet in My own town, so other prophets I send you, are also suffering persecution and ridicule. I send prophets to My people to warn you of your sins against Me, and accept the punishments I send you. I am a loving and merciful God, but I am also a just God. Hear My words from My prophets, and obey My Commandments of loving Me, and your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My apostles who do you say that I am? Then St. Peter said: ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.’ All of My faithful need to witness Me as the Son of the Living God to everyone. Your priest asked the question of what is the most important time of your life? It is difficult to choose any one event because there are many. You start with your conception, your Baptism, receiving Me in your First Holy Communion, your Confirmation, your marriage, or being a priest or a single life. For you My son, accepting your mission is also important. You have an important gift of your very life. Your gift of faith in knowing Me is also important. Bringing souls to Me in conversion are also beautiful moments. I give all of you life in your soul, and you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. You have been given all of these gifts, and you need to thank Me at every Mass, and keep your focus on Me at all times in your prayers. I love all the people, and I desire that all souls could be saved from hell. It is up to each soul to choose life with Me in heaven or death with Satan in hell. I want to bless all the people at Mass for sharing My love here at the Gospa Prayer house.”
Source: ➥