Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017


Monday, October 23, 2017: (St. John of Capistrano)

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are taken up with a desire for riches and new possessions. You crave the new homes, cars, and the latest electronic devices. Once you acquire them, they soon become old and break down. Then you want more new ones. This is the endless cycle for new possessions. Your focus should be more on what I want you to do, than spending your time and money on possessions. Do not let riches, fame, and possessions become gods for you. You are still dependent on Me for everything. Your life here is only temporary, because you could die at any time, just as the rich man in the Gospel. You need to make the best use of the time that you do have, by your prayers and helping to convert sinners. Riches and possessions are temporary also, and they can control you, if you let them. Use your gifts to help people, but do not let things or people take you away from your prayer time, or away from your mission for Me. You need to depend on Me, and not on your money and your talents. Give Me the glory for your accomplishments, so you can keep humble without pride controlling you. By keeping Me in the right focus over your possessions, then you will receive a more meaningful treasure in heaven. Trust in Me every day in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen some movies that have shown how weather can be manipulated to cause damaging storms. You also are aware of how Nicholas Tesla was able to control weather with microwaves. You already have weather control through the use of the HAARP machine that uses multiple antennae and powerful microwaves. You have seen it enhance hurricanes and tornadoes. It can also cause massive earthquakes. With such a weapon in the hands of the one world people, they could cause enough damage to cause a martial law for their takeover of America. Do not be surprised if you see major earthquakes, or drastic changes in your weather to cause severe damage, that could paralyze your electrical grid. Do not fear the plans of the evil ones, because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Trust in My protection and My providing for your survival needs.”

Source: ➥