Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about My infinite love, and My infinite mercy to keep forgiving the repentant sinner. The king forgave his servant his whole debt, when the servant begged him for more time. But that servant did not forgive a much lesser debt from another. In response, the king had the servant put in prison until he paid off the original debt. Every time that you come to Me in Confession, I forgive you many times. The apostles asked Me how many times they should forgive their neighbor, and I answered not seven times, but seventy times seven times, or all of the time. My faithful may have a tendency to limit their love and mercy on people, when it comes to forgiving people. I have asked you to love Me and your neighbor, and even to love your enemies. When you refuse to forgive someone, or hold a grudge against someone, then you will suffer time in purgatory for your unforgiveness. I know you are human, and you may put limits on your love and forgiveness, but I am calling you to imitate My infinite love and My infinite forgiveness. The more you can imitate Me, the closer you will come to your spiritual perfection that will be required for My saints to enter heaven. This is why there is a purgatory, so all souls who enter heaven, will be perfected of all of their imperfections.”
St. Padre Pio said: “My dear children, you are seeing many people taking pictures of my relics. Some people do not truly understand the pain that I suffered every day with my stigmata, which are the five wounds of Jesus Christ. I suffered the most on Good Friday of Holy Week. In the vision you saw pictures that were out of focus, and this is very much like your society of today where people are not fully focused on my Lord. When you receive Jesus in the consecrated Host, or when you adore His Real Presence in the monstrance, you have a taste of heaven, and you need to invite Him more into your lives. It is in quiet contemplation that you can listen to His voice speaking to your heart. If you desire a good love relationship with Jesus, you could receive Him daily at Mass, and visit Him often in Adoration of His Blessed Sacrament. You know how I spent many hours in the confessional hearing the people’s confessions. So I desire that you come to Confession as often as you can.”
Source: ➥