Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Thursday, July 6, 2017: (Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My son, you were outside in a batting cage, and you were hitting softballs. You were putting pressure on your left knee, and now you are limping when it swelled up from spraining your knee. Sometimes you feel good, and you do not realize that your age is affecting how you are limited in your activities. Your knee has been giving you pain after driving for five hours, so it is not like when you were younger. You are learning how your body is not always as good as you would like it to be. Learn from this experience, and do not strain your knee with certain activities. I have given you good health, but you need to be careful not to injure your limbs that can affect your mobility. You can think of your spiritual limitations in the same way. Do not seek curiosities that could lead you into occasions of sin. Your body has certain cravings, but the soul needs to restrain any desires that could lead to sin. Keep focused on Me to control both your physical and spiritual desires. Listen to the good prompting of your guardian angel to lead you on the right path.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with My parable about the wheat and the tares that an enemy sowed in a farmer’s field. Instead of pulling out the weeds which would pull up the wheat as well, the farmer left the two to grow up together. This is similar among the good and bad people who I allow to grow up together. At the judgment the tares are separated and cast into the fire. The evil people also are separated and they will be cast into the flames of hell. The wheat will be gathered into My barn, much like My faithful people who will be brought into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how North Korea has gradually perfected an ICBM launch vehicle that could reach the United States mainland. This is a new threat to your country which your President is deciding what action to take against North Korea. China wants you to stop military exercises with Japan, and South Korea before North Korea would stop its nuclear plan. This was not acceptable for your country. Pray that a war does not start between your country and North Korea.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your troops and Iraqi troops who are rooting out ISIS from Mosul and other cities. This has been a long campaign assisted by your planes and troops that have successfully taken these cities. You also are seeing more troops being sent into Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. These areas have been in constant warfare without an end to these wars. Pray that you could have peace in these conflicts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen riots and street problems in many countries. Now in Chicago you are seeing large numbers of homicides, and even some of your police are being assassinated. Some elements in your society are trying to cause a division in your country between the races. Your troops and police need to keep order to stop any riots from causing a martial law. These one world people want a government takeover, and they will be trying to carry out their plan. Pray that your police and troops will be successful in putting down any uprising.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some complaints to take down a cross that is on public land. Your country has been founded on freedoms for all of your citizens. It is difficult to see how a few atheists can use their influence to remove holy objects as crosses from public lands. My people need to stand up for your faith, even when you are faced with lawsuits over traditional beliefs. It may take private land to put up anything religious, but you need to stand up against these atheists who are trying to control you and your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, the liberal teachers in your colleges are brainwashing your children against anything that mentions My Name, and they are teaching atheistic socialism unless your children are strong in their Christian beliefs. It will be hard to continue their faith in coming to church on Sunday. You need to pray for your schools and colleges to allow prayers and conservative speakers to speak, or the students will all follow the Godless ways of evil in your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how I brought fire and brimstone down upon Sodom and Gomorrah because of their homosexual sins. Even in your country, you have legalized homosexual marriage in your Supreme Court decision. These same sex marriages are an abomination in My eyes, and it is not beyond My power to bring punishment down upon your country for these sins. You have even seen an article about French fries with rainbow colors on the holder to promote the gay parades. America needs to repent of its sins, or you could see fire come down on your cities for your abominable sins of the flesh.”

Source: ➥