Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My apostles: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ St. Peter said boldly: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I was surprised at his answer, but it was My Father in heaven who revealed this to St. Peter. It was then that I told St. Peter that he was the rock on whom I would build My Church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against My Church. This power has allowed My Church to stand the test of time and the demons could not remove it. St. Peter became the first Pope, and many Popes have succeeded him. I instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation where priests can forgive sins, as I am acting through them. St. Paul was My great missionary among the Gentiles, as many people were converted to the faith by these two pillars of My Church.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you finally received your fixed lawnmower that caused a shoulder injury when you pulled too hard on the cord. You learned to clean out the gasoline at the end of the year so it did not clog the engine. Now you have a backup lawnmower or one to sell. You had to buy another mower to cut your grass while the other one was being repaired for four weeks. This is another example of having patience to get things fixed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a few cool weeks to start your summer, but your warmer weather is on its way. Any rain that you receive could cool your summer, but the heat has yet to warm up to the 90’s as you had last year. You may need some air conditioning if you have such equipment available. After a hot year last year, you know how hot, muggy air is difficult to endure. Pray that your people can find a cool place when it is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you are planning a refuge, you are concerned with staying warm in the winter. You will not have your natural gas during the tribulation, so you will be busy cutting wood for your fireplace. You also will be using kerosene burners in other parts of your house. I will multiply your fuels for the time when you will need heating. If you have solar power, you could run your fans in the heat of the summer, but you will not have enough power to run your air conditioners. You will have to be resourceful to find ways to cool your house down in the summer. All of the refuges will be facing these extremes in your cold and hot weather. Pray that I will help you with these trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, your current Health Plan of Obamacare is having trouble finding funding and insurance companies to keep it running. There are certain people who are not paying for their health care, and it will be difficult to cut back generous subsidies that may not be available in the new plan. The states do not want to pay for all of the Medicaid and Medicare aid that will be needed. There will be many young people who will not buy insurance, once the penalties are no longer forced on the people. Passing a new Health Care bill will be difficult to get enough votes when there are so many who do not want to compromise. Keep praying that a fair Health Plan can be put in place to help people with their health needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, your current investigations have not provided any proof of wrongdoing, but they are consuming precious time from your Congress. Many of these investigations are preventing Congress from working on real issues as Health Care, tax reform, and infrastructures. It is unfortunate that you have too many obstructionists that are keeping your government from working on jobs and issues needed by your people. Pray that your Congress can move forward with your needed legislation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a decline in Sunday Mass attendance, but it is getting harder to get your young people to come to Sunday Mass, let alone to Confession. The children and young adults are not getting a proper faith education in your schools or in the homes. There are too many distractions as sports and electronic devices that are occupying the time of your children. There is very little time for prayers and Mass because of these distractions. It is hard to find religious education teachers to teach the faith to the children. Many teachers in the colleges are teaching atheism instead of promoting the worship of God. If your people do not make a better attempt to teach children the faith, then you will have even fewer people coming to church.”
Jesus said: “My people, illegal drugs and recreational marijuana are causing more addictions, and killing more people. The illegal drug market run by your cartels are bringing more drugs into your country than ever. It is hard to stop this influx because there is too much money involved. More marijuana availability is going to ruin young lives and cause more accidents. Instead of making drugs legal, you should be stopping such a flow of drugs. The drinking of alcohol is another problem that is ruining families and causing car accidents. Pray to minimize these addictions that are ruining lives and your economy. The demons are behind these addictions so you should work to stop people from starting, and counsel those people who need to stop drugs and excessive drinking of alcohol. These people need deliverance prayers to get rid of the demons, and a desire by the addicts to stop their bad habits.”
Source: ➥