Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first vision you saw how crowds of people came to hear My words, and I healed them in both body and soul. Even today, I call all of My people to listen to My words of love, as I shower down My mercy and graces upon you on this Divine Mercy Sunday. I gifted St. Faustina with this devotion to My Divine Mercy. You can read about My visitations to her in her Divine Mercy diary. It would be a good recommendation to read these pages from time to time. In the Gospel I asked St. Thomas to put his had into My wounds, and believe in My Resurrection from the dead. He responded: ‘My Lord, and My God.’ This is what you respond when the consecrated Host and the Wine are elevated at the Consecration. St. Thomas believed because he saw My risen Body, but blessed are those people who believe, and have not seen Me. I called My apostles then and My people of today to go out to all the nations and share My Good News of salvation.”
To Elizabeth Parker: Jesus said: “My people, Elizabeth died with a suffering heart for all of her family, because there were many difficulties in the family. She will be praying for all the souls of her family. She needs some prayers and a few Masses to pass from purgatory to heaven. She loves all of her children, and she will be watching out for their souls. Pray to her as an intercessor for your prayers.”
Source: ➥