Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017: (Annunciation of the Blessed Mother)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear son and daughter, your wife discovered that Fr. Michel did not have a statue of myself in his place, so she offered one of your statues to him. Fr. Michel was happy to receive this gift, and you both are generous to give this statue. You are celebrating my feast of my Annunciation when I gave my ‘fiat’ to St. Gabriel. I was blessed by Jesus to be sinless, even without original sin. Only my Son and I are sinless, but my children are all weak in their sins because of Adam’s sin. Both my Son and I are your models for you to imitate. You can strive to be holy by your prayers, and frequent Confession. You are called to follow my Son’s Divine Will in the intentions of your actions. It is your striving for perfection that is your goal. You can pick yourself up from your sins by coming to the priest who acts in place of my Son to forgive your sins. We need your prayers to make reparation for the sins of the world, so continue to be faithful to my rosaries every day. My Son’s graces are being sent over all of my children so you can share the faith of My Son with those people who need conversion.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was called to heal a blind man from birth, when I used some spital and clay to rub on his eyes. Once he washed his eyes in the Pool of Siloam, he could see. This disturbed the Pharisees because I healed him on the Sabbath. This account of My healing of the blind man is more than just a physical healing, but it is also a spiritual healing of blindness in the soul. How I wish to wake up all souls who are spiritually blind, or spiritually asleep in their faith. I need souls to open the door to their souls so I can let My Light of grace shine into their hearts, and wake them up to My love. Once My souls are strong in their faith, then I can use them to evangelize souls, and shine their light on other souls to wake them up. The evil one has put blindness over many souls, but I want to heal and forgive sinners who open their hearts to My love. It is a free will choice to be open to My love, so listen to My call of the Gospel to come and follow My Will as your Master. I love all of you, and I desire to bring as many souls to heaven who accept Me and give praise to Me in Adoration. So do not remain in your sin and spiritual blindness, but be healed and see Me as I am in love.”
Source: ➥