Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, My Church was built on the rock of St. Peter, but I am the cornerstone of My Church. I am showing you each layer of blocks which represents the succeeding generations. Your blocks are held together with the mortar of faith in My Words of the Scriptures. The strength of the mortar is measured by how strongly you live My Words in your actions. When the faith is weak, the blocks could fall apart. You can see how the faith of My people is losing its original fervor, and as parents pass on their faith, it is getting weaker. This is why parts of My Church are crumbling away. I told you that you will see a coming division in My Church from the masons and demons like Beelzebub. Then there will be a crumbling of the schismatic church because they will only believe in New Age teachings that do not worship Me, but things as crystals. It is My faithful remnant church that will stand firm because they will stay strong in their faith of Me through My apostles. Trust in Me because I am more powerful than the demons. I will protect My faithful at their refuges with My angels, and I will provide for all of their needs.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are more focused on repenting of your sins, and your additional prayers, and almsgiving. Tonight and on Saturday you have access to Confession and a chance to cleanse your souls from your sins. When you come out of the confessional, you are freed from your sins, and you are full of My sanctifying grace. When your soul is pure from mortal sin, then you are worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion.”
(Barnabus devotion) Jesus said: “My people, this devotion to My Agonizing Cross is a great prayer to honor My Crucifixion, especially during Lent and Holy Week. These prayers are powerful in fighting the evil forces around you. Take some time to learn about this devotion which is helpful in breaking addictions and for healing in faith.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to pray the Stations of the Cross on every Friday, but even more so during Lent. You pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet to honor My death on the cross at 3:00 p.m. When you pray My Stations of the Cross, you understand more how important it is to pick up your own cross and carry it for My sake. Your penances of fasting between meals, and any other pleasures that you give up, help your body to fend off temptations to sin. You realize that you can live without some of your pleasures and comforts. It is better to deny yourself, so you can detach yourself from worldly things, and dismiss some of your earthly desires.”
Jesus said: “My people, every dollar that you share in donations, helps store up heavenly treasure in heaven. I have asked you to be a cheerful giver, so you do not give grudgingly with only a token donation. I have also asked you to tithe, or to give 10% of your income to charity. Those people, who do so, are having their reward multiplied even on earth. A time may come when you are in need of someone’s financial help, so this favor will be returned to you. I have mentioned before: ‘Where your treasure lies, there lies your heart.’ If you hold on to your money as a god, your heart will be loving the world. If your treasure is with Me, then your heart will be with Me every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know you pray a certain amount of prayers every day. During Lent I want you to make more quiet time in your day for more prayers and spiritual reading. Spend some time with informal prayer and some time in quiet contemplative prayer. You need to work harder on removing any addictions or any sinful bad habits. By working harder to improve your spiritual life, you will please Me and ease your physical burdens. Carry your cross of life to Calvary with love in your heart to follow Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you draw closer to Easter at the end of Lent, you are seeing many signs of spring that will bring on a season of new life. You are happy to see sunny days, and warmer days without the snow. This spring time is how I bring My Light and the joy of My Resurrection. You are suffering through your Good Friday of pain, so you can appreciate your reward in your Easter moments. You will be seeing Holy Week come in a few weeks, so be ready to attend your Triduum services at your local church. This is the most blessed week of the Church Year, so make time for Me during that week. You should be thankful for how I gave up My life for you out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are happy to share your messages and Fr. Michel’s experiences with your people at the coming God the Father Conference on March 26. Pray for the protection of your speakers, and pray that the people’s hearts will be open to receive My Word, and allow My Word to change the people’s lives. This is a great grace and opportunity for people, but the evil one will try to cause problems. Exorcize the place of speaking with blessed salt, and pray to stop any evil attacks on this conference. I love all of you, and it is a joy for all of My faithful to come together in My love.”
Source: ➥