Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a message that a famous figure will die soon, and you are seeing all these flowers on the altar for a funeral. In the Gospel you read about My parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’, who eventually returned to his father. I have given you this message many times that I am like the father in the parable, that I am waiting for My children to return to Me in Confession. At most every Mass you see everyone get up and come to receive Holy Communion. You know that it is a mortal sin of sacrilege to receive My Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul. Yet, people are embarrassed to remain in their seats, since others would think they are in mortal sin. So they receive Me in Holy Communion, when they should stay in their seats. You know that some people are living together in fornication or other mortal sinful states. So pray for these souls who are receiving Holy Communion unworthily, because they are committing another mortal sin of sacrilege. I love all of My children, but you need to come to frequent Confession, at least once a month, to keep a pure soul. If you are in mortal sin, you need to come to Confession immediately, or you could lose your soul in hell if you die in that state. Keep close to Me with a pure soul, and you will be always prepared to meet Me at your judgment, when you die. Remember the joy of the father on getting his son back in the parable. All of heaven rejoices over even one sinner who repents of his or her sins. You were lost in sin, and now you will be found in My grace with Confession.”
(4:30 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, the Samaritan woman was surprised that I asked her for a drink of water, because Jews do not usually associate with Samaritans. Then I offered her My ‘Living Water’ of the Holy Spirit, and I told her that if she drank My water, she would not have to return to this well. She did not understand that I was speaking of a spiritual gift, and not physical water. I then told her about her five husbands, and the man she was with who was not her husband. She then asked about the coming Christ, and I told her that I am the Christ. Many of the people of the town came to believe in Me by My words that I preached to them. My son, you also will be needing physical water for the survival of the faithful who will come to your refuge. You have water in your barrels that I will multiply, but you also have water for washing from your sump wells, the rainwater, and you will have a spring that you will be pumping from the ground. You will also have the bread of life in My Eucharistic Hosts from Mass or My angels. You will also share in My ‘Living Water’ as you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Adoration. Trust in Me to supply all of your needs for those people who will come to your refuge. Continue making any final preparations for the people to come.”
Source: ➥