Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I needed to explain to the people that it is not just the letter of the law that is important, but it is the spirit of the law in doing things out of love of Me and love of your neighbor. Even in the Ten Commandments, the first three are about love of Me, and the other seven are about love of neighbor. It is true what was said how you learn about My laws through knowledge, but it takes understanding and wisdom to follow My laws in love from the heart. Once you can move your knowledge from the brain to the heart, then you can live your lives by love. I was also expanding the meaning of My laws beyond just the act of adultery for example. This also includes even thinking of such an act about someone as a serious sin as well. By meditating on the spirit of the law, you can see how I am deeply offended by your bad actions, and your evil thoughts. I mentioned in the Gospel that you need to forgive one another, and confess your sins in Confession before you can come and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. It is your sins and your evil intentions that come out of your hearts, so guard your intentions to keep a pure soul.”
Source: ➥