Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading it talks about a tabernacle and the Holy of Holies. At this time you cannot keep My consecrated Hosts in your tabernacle, but during the tribulation, I will be there. It will be a blessing to have a priest at your refuge so he could offer daily Mass. Even those refuges, who do not have a priest, will have My angels bring daily Holy Communion to them. You will also have perpetual Adoration at every refuge, and you will assign two people to cover all the hours, as each of you will take turns. You will display My Host in your monstrance. In this way I will always be with you to support you physically and spiritually. If you have a priest, you could also have all the sacraments as well. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you from the evil ones.”
(4:00 p.m Mass) Jesus said: “My people, truly I was calling My disciples from all walks of life to follow Me. I told them: ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ St. John the Baptist called the people to repent as well. I needed to have My followers to go out and preach My ‘Good News’. But I taught them for three years all the lessons that they needed to write down, and share with the people by word of mouth. In the Gospel I chose fishermen in St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. James, and St. John. They all left their boats and immediately began to follow Me. I told them that they would be fishers of men for My sake. I also gave My apostles hope and faith in Me when I performed many miracles. I would share My healing gifts with them, once I left them on their own with the Holy Spirit. Even today, I call on all of My faithful to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. Saving souls from hell should be your best vocation. I want people to love Me by their own free will. The people need to be pointed toward Me by My faithful so the people can be taught the faith. True faith is a gift that I give to you in your heart. So give thanks for your gift of faith, and share your faith with those people around you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I told you that new wine has to be placed into new wineskins to preserve the wine and the skins. I have come into the world so I could offer My life as a sacrifice to My heavenly Father for the salvation of all souls who want to accept Me and repent of their sins. I told you also that I allowed your President to win so you could have a new opportunity for a spiritual renewal in America. You were in the shackles of a socialist model for total control of your government. Now, you will be able to return to your original roots of a republic form of government. You would much rather live in freedom from the likes of communism as in Russia and China. Give praise and thanks to Me for intervening for the benefit of your people.”
Source: ➥