Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015


Friday, December 18, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how I communicate My words to My people as My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph through My messenger angels. There is a point of hearing My message, but the important fact is the openness to do My Will and make a choice with your free will. If My Blessed Mother refused, then I could not come. If St. Joseph did not accept, this also would have been a problem for My home. My parents did choose to follow God’s Will, and they were rewarded. So in today’s world, there are people that I call to do various missions in life, but it is an openness to follow My Will that is required for that mission to be carried out. Some people are given words, while others may have feelings for a direction to follow. You can pray before My Blessed Sacrament, and I will help people how to make decisions in life. Trust in My directions because I will not lead you astray. It is better to be obedient to what I want you to do, than to be obedient to any human person. When you trust in Me, you will be rewarded for following My ways and My directions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My angels in heaven celebrating My coming to earth, as you commemorate My birth at Christmas. The choirs of angels are constantly singing of My glory, even as they sang the Gloria for the shepherds. All of heaven rejoices on My feast days, and My Blessed Mother brings purified souls from purgatory up to heaven. You are all buying your last minute gifts for each other, but remember to bring your prayers and good deeds to My crib as your gifts to Me. My angels will later be blowing their trumpets when severe punishments will come upon the earth. I have shown you before in the Book of Revelation that you are seeing the seals opened where you have the four horsemen. The red horse is a sign of war when you will be approaching a third world war that will be focused on Israel. I showed you before that war could come after the Tetrad blood moons. After the war, you are seeing a black horse to indicate a coming time of famine. Already you are seeing problems in finding enough water to grow your crops. Droughts in California are already limiting your food from the ground. Prepare your food, water, and refuges when you will see a world famine beginning. Call on My protection to lead you to the safety of My refuges, as the tribulation is about to come to the earth.”

Source: ➥