Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Wednesday, December 16, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, Isaiah speaks of God the Father as the only One worthy of being worshiped, and there is no other who created everything. Isaiah also foretold My coming as a Savior, and the One who will heal people’s infirmities. In the Gospel I spoke of Myself in cloaked language without saying that I was the Messiah to come. I told St. John the Baptist’s disciples that the deaf hear, the blind see, and people are raised from the dead. These are similar to Isaiah’s words so St. John would know that I am the Savior to come. Throughout My time on the earth as a God-man, I kept My identity hidden as a Messianic secret. When I did reveal Myself as the Son of God before Pilate, I was wrongfully accused of blaspheming. As you study the Scriptures, you will see My life of love is one to imitate.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how there are two general kinds of people. On the one side you have the good people who are faithful to Me in all that they do, and they share their faith and goods with others. On the other side you have evil people who ignore Me, or they refuse to believe in Me. These are selfish people, and even some of them worship Satan and carry out his evil deeds. At the end times you will see a battle between the good and evil people on the plains of Armageddon. There will be one last battle, and I will be victorious over the evil ones, while My faithful are protected at My refuges. Rejoice when I will bring My people into My Era of Peace, but the evil ones will be punished in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Hollywood people are good at making serial films of at least three episodes so they can make more money with the same or similar setups. They hype up unusual expectations to sell their movies. Then they make more money on DVDs of the same movie. It is one thing to make money, but a good share of these movies are filled with nudity or improper scenes of a sexual nature. They also contain profanity and violence of killing people. This is all done in the name of entertainment, but these movies can become occasions of sin for people who watch them. This is why you need to avoid movies that are ‘R’ rated or that thrive on violence. In the past most of these movies would have been banned for their content, but now people have been so desensitized that they do not see them as bad, when they really are bad. You may be better off not going to so many movies, unless there is a good story without offensive scenes. Be careful that you are not taken in by all the advertising hype that Hollywood is known for.”

Source: ➥