Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 28, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of you to My banquet at the Sacrifice of the Mass. There are two images that come to mind when you hear the account of the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins. It was the wise virgins who had enough oil to burn their lamps bright, while the foolish virgins had their lamps go out. The spiritual explanation is that the wise virgins had enough grace to be worthy to receive Me at My banquet of Holy Communion. The foolish virgins needed more grace, meaning they needed to confess their sins to receive the grace needed to be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. The physical explanation speaks to being ready to come to My refuges. The wise virgins again had prepared food, water, and bedding so they were ready for the coming tribulation. The foolish virgins are the people who heard My Word to be prepared, but they were too lazy to make any preparations. It is My refuge builders who are the true wise virgins who will welcome all of those people who are seeking My protection from the evil ones. Those people, who come to My refuges, can also be prepared with backpacks and bedding preparations. Be grateful that you will have Adoration and Holy Communion at every refuge, so each refuge will be a place of My banquet.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how hard it was to build your addition with all of your electric tools. After looking at the replica of an Indian village, you can imagine how much longer it took to build a similar structure without electricity. In your days, you have the luxury of a modern stove, free running water and ice, and a refrigerator. Even your cars make travel much quicker than horse drawn carriages. People survived without electricity and your modern conveniences for many years. You may have to get used to living this way again if you do not have solar power or a generator. You may have to look into the possibility of having a well dug on your property. Otherwise, I will have to multiply your water or provide a spring of water. You are seeing the same basic necessities needed in these old villages as food, water, and bedding. These things will be the same necessities needed at your refuges. Once you take care of your bedding needs, you may want to stock up on some more canned goods, pouches, or MREs. Having a source of water, or storing more barrels of water may be needed for bathing and drinking water for large numbers of people. By making your extra efforts now, you will be like the wise virgins who are well prepared for what is to come at your refuges.”
Source: ➥