Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Sunday, May 31, 2015: (The Most Holy Trinity Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and all Three of Us in the Blessed Trinity are here to greet you and celebrate this Mass on Our feast day.  You have asked what your wife, Carol, has been experiencing since Pentecost Sunday.  You remember when you both were blessed with the gift of My Spirit at a prayer meeting.  Your wife on occasion has exhibited a gift of tongues.  She has had this gift for many years, but she has not had many occasions to use her gift.  She is now feeling the power of My Spirit, and she was led to have this beautiful chapel built for the coming tribulation.  Now, that you have this chapel prepared, you need to bring in your cross, the pictures, the relics, the tabernacle, and the monstrance.  You are having a beautiful altar made, and you could have a lectern, a pray-Dieu or two, and some chairs for the people to pray.  All three of Us are blessing this chapel, and you could pray your St. Michael prayer for its protection.  Later, you could have a priest or deacon bless it as well.  You all have My gifts, and you need to express them as your mission calls you.”

Source: ➥