Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, during your daily lives, everything does not always happen according to your liking, and you can get challenged with the stress of handling your problems. It is hard to keep a calm temper during such trials. Different people have varied ways of handling stress. Some can take it, and work out the problems, while others get frustrated with swearing or getting upset. It is best to size up problems, and try to resolve them without getting upset. Try first to pray for My help before you take on a difficult task. I am always ready to answer your requests. It is another struggle for some to contain any short-tempered responses, but prayer can help calm you down. Even if you have any anger situations, you can come to Confession for the forgiveness of your sins. Most problems can be solved with thinking out the solution, getting the right tools, or have someone help you with the skills that are needed. There can be some situations that are impossible to fix that you need to work around. Controlling your emotions over problem solving, takes time to work it out, but try to not lose your patience in these trials. You face different problems every day, so learn to do things a little slower, and with My help you will have your answer to your problems. Try to also incorporate more love in dealing with people during your trials, so you do not upset others. Everyone encounters these trials, but it is how you respond to situations that you have to control.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some people might ask why I allow people to be victims of various illnesses. All of you who are sick, are suffering the consequences of Adam’s original sin in the weakness to sickness. In the vision I am showing you many chronic illnesses as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many back and knee pains. Your doctors can heal some illnesses, but the rest can only have mild relief of their symptoms. So when you pray for the sick, have compassion for what they suffer daily.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read many accounts of the people who I healed. People had to have faith that I could heal them, or I could not heal them, as in My hometown of Nazareth. When I prayed over people, I healed the soul first, and then any earthly illness. My apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal people. Even some of My faithful of today have healing gifts also through the Holy Spirit. When people come to My refuges during the tribulation, they will look upon My luminous cross, or drink healing spring water, and they will be healed of all of their illnesses. Trust in My healing power.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have possibly seen family members die a labored and slow death in hospice care. Usually, they are cancer victims or stroke victims. It is hard to see your loved ones suffer in their last days, but you can visit them and support them. You all have mortal bodies, and you know one day that you will die from some earthly cause. This is why I ask people to come to frequent Confession so your soul can be in a pure state, and you will be ready to meet Me in death whenever I will call you home to Me. Even as you see people dying, you can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet to save their souls from hell. Keep praying for all of your family to help save their souls as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of you could even have a sickness of venial or mortal sin that even could affect your physical health. This is why I call people to frequent Confession so your sins can be forgiven, and My grace can be restored to your souls. In serious addictions, demon possessions or obsessions, there is a need for an exorcism or deliverance prayers. You have seen accounts of how I called demons out of people. Your addictions have demons attached to them. You can pray the St. Michael prayer for deliverance, or a binding of evil spirits to the foot of My cross. Exorcist priests can help rid the demons. This is the battle of good and evil that you are seeing in today’s world.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a beautiful sacrament of the Blessing of the Sick for people who could be seriously sick or near death. You call the priests to administer this sacrament to a dying person. If people are conscious, they could be helped by Confession to possibly save their soul on their deathbed. When a loved one is given these sacraments near death, you feel that this soul has been given a chance to be saved from hell. You would like to see all souls saved in this way, but sometimes people reject My priests. Pray for such souls to be saved, despite their reluctance to be prayed over.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to people’s funerals, not all of these souls come straight to heaven. Some holy souls and those who have had their purgatory on earth in sickness for a long time, come straight to heaven. Most souls, who do not go to hell, require some purification of their souls in purgatory by My justice to atone for the reparation due for their sins. You can pray for the souls in purgatory, and Masses are most beneficial for their souls. During life you can have a plenary indulgence on Mercy Sunday to take away any reparation due for your sins. This will give you less purgatory time to suffer.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Resurrection in this Easter Season. I have told you that I am the Resurrection and the Life, and your goal is to be resurrected body and soul into heaven at the last judgment. I have conquered sin and death, and I offer salvation to all souls who accept Me into their hearts and souls. You need to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior, and you will one day see My face without the affliction of death or sickness.”
Source: ➥