Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015


Monday, April 27, 2015:

Jesus said:“My people, I want you to give thanks to Me for all of these beautiful nuns who have dedicated their lives to serving Me, especially in prayer. Pray for these nuns that they continue on without losing their vocation. These nuns pray often in contemplative prayer, and I want to remind My Adorers to spend five to ten minutes in silent prayer, so you can be united with Me before My Blessed Sacrament. This monastery and all faithful monasteries, will be safe havens during the tribulation. Any food, water, and bedding will be provided by My angels, and multiplied for all those people who come here. I also want to remind My faithful to have their sins cleansed in Confession at least once a month. Only receive Me in Holy Communion with a pure soul, without any mortal sin. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers so you can show Me how much you love Me. I am the Good Shepherd, and I love My faithful, and I seek out lost souls to bring them into My sheepfold. Go out and evangelize souls in all the nations.”

Jesus said:“My people, when I greeted My apostles in My resurrected Body, I said to them: ‘Peace be with you.’ Not long after that, I breathed on them with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the gifts of the Holy Spirit that enabled My apostles to boldly proclaim My death and Resurrection. When St. Peter prayed with the Gentiles, he was amazed when they also received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I was emphasizing to St. Peter in his three visions that I came to die for all souls, and not just the Jews. It is the laying on of hands that brought the gifts of the Holy Spirit on all the new converts. Even today, My people need to call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. In the early Church, and even now, it is necessary to make discernment about the teachings of the faith. Whenever certain beliefs in the faith are questioned, My people need to call on the Holy Spirit to discern what is the truth of God, or any false doubts that Satan is using to cause division. When you are trying to do good works for Me, the devil will try and bring division to diminish your good intentions. Keep true to My teachings of My apostles, and do not let any heresies test your faith in Me. You have My Word in the Bible, and the Catechism to give you proper instruction as to what is true. Remember to challenge any attacks on the truths of My faith. Do not let the devil disturb your faith, but keep the faith strong by your traditional teachings of the faith with My help, and that of the Holy Spirit.”

Source: ➥