Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, some of the Jewish leaders accused Me of being with the prince of devils when I cast demons out of people. They did not realize that it was by the finger of God that I cast the demons out. Even in your own days, there are people possessed or influenced by demons. This requires exorcism by an exorcist priest, or deliverance prayers by My faith filled people. You also are being controlled by the one world people, who worship Satan and carry out his orders. These evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist’s reign. One of their means of control is to force your people to have chipped documents as driver’s licenses, charge cards, and passports. These chips allow them to track you and eventually control your money. You have read in the Scriptures of not taking the mark of the beast, and not worshiping the Antichrist. The next step of the evil ones’ control is to force you to take chips in the body, which is the mark of the beast. Refuse to take any chips in the body because they will control your free will and your soul as being hypnotized. Even if these evil ones threaten your life, your property, your money, or even your relatives, refuse any chips in the body for any reason. It is when your government authorities will demand mandatory chips in the body, that you will need to come to My refuges of protection. Do not fear these evil ones, since My angels will protect you at My refuges. Some of My faithful may be martyred for not giving up their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. This evil tribulation will last only a short time before I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that people in My churches and schools are removing My crucifixes and statues. You are only a few weeks away from Holy Week, when you will be venerating My crucifix, as I died on Good Friday. I have asked all of My faithful to imitate Me by picking up their daily cross and carry it through their day. The statues of Me and My saints are to remind you of our lives, and how you can use My saints as models for your lives. You could even have a large crucifix in your altars at church to remind you of how much I love you, since I died to save all of mankind from their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the building of churches years ago, but now you are closing more churches than you are building new ones. You are being called to build up My Church with new or old members because many Catholics have become lax in their faith, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You have seen some people who are being inspired to knock on the doors of your members who are no longer attending Mass. Sometimes giving a personal request to return to church for those who are not attending, may be all that is needed to stir them into action.”
Jesus said: “My people, your life is a school of training on earth where you learn from your experiences in preparation for your graduation at death into heaven. This life truly is a place of training where you are trained to love Me and your neighbor because you will be judged on how you loved. You have plenty of opportunities in life to help people and store up treasure for your judgment. Use this time of Lent to grow holier in your life by prayer and spiritual reading.”
Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of Lent, you made resolutions of fasting and making certain penances. You are about in the middle of Lent, and now would be a good time to see how you are succeeding in your Lenten devotions. Many of you are still fasting and keeping up with your penances. You may be doing more spiritual reading, which you could even continue after Lent is over. I am proud of My people who are still keeping up their penances as not eating sweets, or spending more time in prayer. The more acts of self-denial that you can achieve, the more your spiritual life can be helped.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about fasting, almsgiving, and the forgiveness of sins. During Lent, it is a good opportunity to come to the priest in Confession. I have given many messages suggesting that monthly Confession should be a minimum in coming to Confession, which is needed by all sinners. If you accept that you are a sinner, then you need to come to Me to seek My forgiveness of your sins. All sinners need to have their souls cleansed from their sins. By asking My forgiveness, you are being humbled in your spiritual weaknesses. Do not be so proud or lazy that you stay away from My sacrament of Reconciliation.”
Jesus said: “My people, in Lent you are called to give alms, and the poor are in most need of your donations of food and money. You may give donations to many causes, but do not forget the poor who are always in need of their necessities. You can even serve the poor at soup suppers, or take food to them. Do not look down on the poor, but pray for them, and lift them up the best that you can.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many ways of praying in Adoration, giving thanks, prayers of petition, praying for the souls in purgatory, and your morning and night prayers. Praying daily rosaries, reading the Scriptures, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Pieta prayers, are just a few examples of how people pray to Me. I listen to all of your prayers. I answer your prayers in whatever is best for your soul or the souls of others. When you pray, you could keep focused on intentions that are best for people’s souls. Prayers during Lent should be done daily by making the time for Me before all of your other earthly activities.”
Source: ➥