Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015: (Mass for Carl & Marian)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many souls suffering in purgatory, but praying Masses for these souls is the best help to bring them to heaven. Carl and Marian are on their way to heaven because of these Masses. It is hard for people on earth to appreciate what souls in purgatory are suffering. The lower level has burning flames, but the higher level does not. It is still a gray, dingy environment without My loving presence. These souls are also outside of time, so they do not know how long they have been suffering, nor do they know how much longer they have to suffer. Over time and with prayers and Masses said for them, these souls have a sense that they are rising in levels closer to coming to heaven, which they are promised one day. Have mercy and sympathy for the souls in purgatory who are suffering because of their sins. When you can have a plenary indulgence as on Mercy Sunday, reach out to accept it, because it could lessen your time in purgatory. Those people, who live during the tribulation time, will be suffering their purgatory on earth. Remember to keep praying for the poor souls in purgatory.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I call many of My faithful to come forward to work in My vineyard. You are seeing three basic answers to My call. The one, like the apostles, is where they dropped everything and followed Me without looking back. The second is one like Jonah, who was a reluctant prophet, and he did not want to help his enemies. But he was thrown into the sea and a whale threw him up on the beach. Later, he finally went to Nineveh and told the people, if they did not repent, then in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. The third answer, which was not in the readings, is to not answer My call at all out of fear or laziness. When you see these three responses, I can even ask each of My faithful, which response are you going to give Me when I call you to be My evangelist? My son, when I asked you to do a mission for Me, you said that you would do My Will without knowing what I was calling you to do. In order for Me to work a mission through you, you have to give your will over to Me so you can follow My agenda and not your own. You have been faithful to My mission for you, and you will have My reward for coming forward to preach My Word to the world. This is the response that I pray more of My faithful would answer. Some are also answering My call to set up refuges of protection during the tribulation. By answering My call, I can work miracles through My people. Give praise and thanks to Me that I call people to help and lead My faithful, as My priest sons do.”
Source: ➥