Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, January 16, 2015
Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the paralytic man: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ The people were thinking how could I forgive sins, since only God can forgive sins. I used this healing of the paralytic man to show them that the Son of God can heal both the body and the soul. If they understood My power, they would see that I am God the Son of the Blessed Trinity. In the vision I showed you an even greater miracle of when I called Lazarus forth from his tomb. He was dead several days, and I brought him back to life to show them that I had power over death and sin. This so amazed the religious leaders that I threatened them with My many followers. As a result, these leaders wanted to kill both Me and Lazarus. This raising of Lazarus from the dead was a preview of how I resurrected from the tomb after three days. This miracle of My Resurrection overshadowed all of My miracles to convince people that I really am God the Son. My death on the cross was My real reason for becoming a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life for the sins of all of mankind. Trust in My great love for all of you, that I would give up My life to save all souls who repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your people who are committing many sexual sins, and they are not repenting because they do not think that they are doing anything wrong. I assure you fornication, adultery, prostitution, and homosexual acts are all mortal sins, and they need to be confessed. When you come before Me at the judgment, these souls, who are in sin and do not repent, are on the path to hell. You cannot rationalize away your sins, or make excuses, because you know My Ten Commandments in your conscience. These sexual sins and your abortions are bringing your country down. This is why My Blessed Mother and I are requesting your prayers to help so many sinners to change their lives to avoid coming to hell. I have told you before that your prayers can save your family members. Do not forget to pray your rosaries every day, and make up for missed rosaries on the next day. I depend on the prayers of My faithful for poor sinners. So do not disappoint Me with any spiritual laziness. Be persistent in your prayers, and you will help sinners and yourselves to come to heaven. Those people, who have been given much, I will expect more from them with a heavy responsibility to follow My ways.”
Source: ➥