Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 12, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Jesus said: “My people, I wanted to show you the connection between the Aztec Indians, who killed their infants, and today’s society that kills its infants in abortion. My Blessed Mother of Guadalupe came as a pregnant Indian woman in 1531 to Juan Diego, because her image on the tilma was also meant to convert the Indians and crush the serpent gods that they were offering up their babies to in sacrifice. Many of the Indians were converted because of this miracle. This is in contrast to how today’s women are aborting their babies, and they are offering them up to the gods of convenience and no embarrassment. A million abortions are carried out each year in America, and it is the serpent of the devil that leads women to kill their children. This is why My Blessed Mother of Guadalupe is a symbol of your struggle to stop abortions, and this constant sacrificing of babies to your worldly gods. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion. Remember when I told you that if you do not stop your abortions, then I will stop them in a way that will take away all of your freedoms as a punishment.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware how important it is to have local food shelves for people who do not have money for food. Some people sell their food stamps for drugs and alcohol, and then they need food to live. You have seen all kinds of cases of newly divorced women without a job, or people just coming to town before they could get on welfare. Many poor families do not have good money managing skills, so having money for food is not always easy to find. Some people were thankful for your bringing them food, but others were indifferent, or too proud to ask for help. As you brought food to people, you were happy to help feed the poor. Since you know how helpful the food shelves are for people, you are also remembering to send your food shelf a good donation in this holiday season. Some people bring gifts of food to the church, while others give checks of money to buy the food. You also were a buyer of food for your food shelf, and you helped bring the food and delivered it. I have asked My people to feed the hungry, and you have answered My call. You are storing up treasure in heaven for your good works.”
Source: ➥