Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in both readings you are given examples by St. Paul and Myself to go forth and preach My Word to the people, even though you may be persecuted for doing so. St. Paul tells you to put on the armor of God, but it is a spiritual armor of faith and the Holy Spirit. For it will be the Holy Spirit who will give you the words to evangelize souls. You are facing demons from Principalities and Powers who can only be fought by My Word, and the sword of St. Michael, the archangel. Call on My help and My angels to assist you against the demons and the evil people. Do not be afraid to speak out, but shout My Word from the rooftops. Once the evil ones have their hour, you will need to seek My refuges for protection.”
Prayer Group:
St. Meridia, said: “I am Meridia, and I stand before God as the guardian of your prayer group. I want to thank Fred for drawing my picture, and for all of you for placing it on the altar with the other archangels. You are fulfilling my request, and by looking on my image, you can remember me when you request petitions from me. You have recently changed your prayer group meeting place, and this is a good time to see that I have been looking over you for many years.”
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many scandals in your current government, and your President is having a low approval rate in your polling. Many of your individual rights have suffered under increasing regulation, and many of your people are just getting by, despite your elevated stock market. If there is any dissatisfaction with your government’s direction, you will see it in your election results. Pray for your leaders that they will do what is best for your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you some serious messages about the path that America is taking. You have some serious issues with your laws and decisions concerning abortion and same sex marriage. If you do not change your laws, these sins will bring your country down. You need to stop killing My babies, and your same sex marriages are an abomination, because I made man and woman to marry, and not same sexes. If America does not repent of its sins and change its ways, you will see My punishment brought down upon your country. Pray for your people to seek My forgiveness of your sins. I will forgive all repentant sinners.”
Jesus said: “My people, in America you have seen most of your ebola patients contained and even healed in some cases, unless there are unreported cases. It is always hard to tell from your news if any new cases have been found. African countries are still experiencing an epidemic, and it continues to spread, even with some medical help. This epidemic is not yet contained, and it could spread more because of poor medical care. Pray for all the people who have the disease, and for those who have died from it.”
Jesus said: “My people, your government is forcing its people to buy more health insurance than your citizens need. You have adopted a one insurance plan fits all, and you are even forcing people to pay penalties who do not join. Now, before your elections, the party in power is not telling you how high your health premiums will be raised. You have heard from other sources how many people will not be able to afford paying these high premiums that will be much worse than your previous plans, which you were not allowed to keep. This is another source of distrust in the lies of your leaders. Pray that your elections will correct the injustices in this health care law.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been faithful in your novena prayers for the success of both a new English and a new Spanish DVD. You have worked hard to gather your plans of what messages to share on your current events. Continue your work and your prayers, and I will help you to bring it to the people who need to hear My messages. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to share with My people.”
Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow is really a hallowed eve of All Saints’ Day on November 1st. Halloween has become a day of praising evil with your emphasis on witches, demons, and goblins. Instead of giving credit to the evil one, your costumes should not look so sinister. You give candy and treats to the children, but look more to honor My saints than to give acknowledgment to the evil spirits. There is enough evil in your world already without glorifying evil in witches and the demons. Give praise and glory only to Me because these evil ones will eventually be cast into hell.”
Source: ➥