Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, September 12, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, as you came into this church, you were greeted by My holy martyrs and their bone relics. These missionaries were brave even amidst the danger of the Indians who tortured them, and eventually killed them. Their intent was to bring Me to the Indians and try to convert them to faith in Me. There were a few converts, but there was much rejection of My faithful sons. Even as you are about to walk in their footsteps, I want My faithful to have the same courage and zeal to share My Word of the Gospel with as many souls that have open hearts to receive you. The harvest of souls is great, but there are few laborers to say ‘yes’ to My mission of evangelizing souls. I am always asking My Father in heaven to send more laborers into My vineyard, so all souls will have an opportunity to hear My Word and My call to come to Me in heaven. I am grateful for all of My missionaries and messengers for bringing My Word to My people. Those who labor in the harvest of souls will have their reward with Me in heaven.”
Source: ➥