Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when I first sent out My apostles, I wanted them to preach that ‘the Kingdom of God is at hand’ to the lost sheep of Israel. Later, St. Paul became a missionary to the Gentiles, so everyone could come to Me in the Good News of the Gospel. St. Peter was the leader of My Church, as the Popes throughout the years have carried out his authority from My words. Today, you have priests and deacons preaching My Word at your Masses, as you receive My sacraments of My Eucharist, Confession, Baptism, Matrimony, and the Anointing of the Sick. Your bishops anoint young adults with Confirmation, and those training for the priesthood with Holy Orders. Just as I called on prophets and messengers to give My Word to the people in the Old Testament, so I have also sent out prophets throughout the years after I left the earth in My Body. Even now in these end times, you are hearing My prophets speak to you of how to prepare for My coming again. You will soon be receiving My Warning experience followed by the tribulation of the Antichrist. These words of My present day prophets are a blessing to you, because I always send My Word to instruct the people of what I am about to accomplish. Trust in My Word that will set you free of your bonds of sin.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you had an opportunity to see how Amish farms are run with horses and propane gas for some appliances. These people will be better prepared to deal without having electricity than your people of today. At My refuges, only a few may have solar cells for electricity on a small scale. You are so used to having electricity, that many of you would suffer without your appliances and comforts. People lived without electricity for many years, so you can survive without it. Be prepared to suffer a more rustic life at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed a tornado in a local town in New York state where four people were killed. Many trees were blown over and thousands of people were without power. It is difficult to clean up the storm damage and try to return things to normal. I told you before that when the one world people can takeover, they will turn off your electricity so they could control you more easily. Be prepared in your homes for alternate heating fuels in the winter, and lamp oil lamps for your light at night. Having extra food and fuel could get you through any times without electricity. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to put aside some water and extra food to deal with the coming water and food shortages. In some cases you have had to use your emergency water when there were broken water mains or when your well water is poisoned or dry. Out West the people are rationing water because it is in short supply. Some areas in California could not grow their normal amount of food because of their droughts. Having an emergency supply of food will be needed when you will see a world famine. Fear not any starving, because I will multiply your food and water for your survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, those people who are like the wise virgins, are the ones who are storing food for the end times. Those, who do not have extra food, could go starving as the foolish virgins. You are to share your food with others because it was not meant for hoarding. I will multiply what you have to help yourselves and your neighbors survive. Be thankful that I am warning you to prepare for the coming world famine and tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how I will make My remnant faithful into saints, because I will take away their possessions, and I will test them with a more rustic living. When you lose your warm showers, electronic entertainment, and your rich foods, you will be suffering harder lives, but you can endure it. You may not have working cell phones or your electric appliances, but you can get by without them. During this tribulation, you will understand how you can live without all of your electronic helps. Give thanks to Me for helping to make saints out of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a country with many natural resources so you could produce cheap fuels for your cars, vans, and recreation vehicles. During the summer, many take long trips for camping or sight seeing, and your cheap fuels enable these long trips. This easy transportation also enables you to travel to places so you could give talks to the people about what I have given you in My messages. Teach the people how to live good Christian lives with a good prayer life, and sharing their time, money,and their faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is harder for people to make a good living out of multiple low paying jobs, which is about all that is available. This is why there is no extra money for luxuries when there is just enough to survive. Even older people on fixed incomes are finding it hard to manage a living on pensions, Social Security, and a few investments. No matter how difficult it may be to earn a living, you can trust in Me for all of your basic necessities. I take care of all the animals, so I will take care of you also, because you are more valuable to Me in your souls.”
Source: ➥