Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Acts of the Apostles how St. Paul used the division between the Pharisees and the Sadducees to get out of a judgment from the Sanhedrin. It is better to have unity than division, so My Church can have a sound foundation. Already, you have a division in the Eastern Rite and the Western Rite. If you include the Protestant groups, My believers are split further among those calling themselves Christians. Many of the divisions among My believers have been influenced by Satan. As you approach the coming tribulation, you will see a further division with a schismatic church that will bring in new teachings which worship things and not Me. Be alert to such New Age abominations, because you will need to leave any churches with these false teachings. Worship only Me, and you will not be deceived by the devil and his minions.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying your Novena for Pentecost since Ascension Thursday. If you forgot this Novena to the Holy Spirit, you can copy it off the internet, unless you already have a copy. Then you can catch up on the days that you missed. Pentecost Sunday is the end of the Easter Season, as you will return to Ordinary time or the many Sundays after Pentecost. I told My disciples to remain in Jerusalem until I sent them the Holy Spirit that is represented as the tongues of fire in the vision. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith in Me, and the courage to evangelize souls so they can be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see My beautiful babies and how cute they are, how can any mother want to kill her child in the womb? Every soul that is brought into being at conception, should have its right to life, despite your evil court decisions that allow abortion. This mortal sin of killing unborn babies, is one of the worst sins that offends Me because you are killing My little ones that I love so dearly. America and other nations, who allow abortions, will have to pay a punishment for these sins that are calling down My justice. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, and wake up these mothers who are being deceived into killing their children.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is better to not have war that kills so many people. There are justified wars when tyrant dictators are spreading their terror among innocent people. It is clear that Hitler was into the occult and astrology. This evil had to be stopped, and it was America that was most instrumental in defeating Hitler’s Germany and Japan’s Imperial Army during World War II. You saw how many were killed in this world war, yet it did not stop the killing in other wars, or the killing of babies in abortion. More babies have been killed in abortion than all of your wars. So you can see how diabolical, abortion is in stealing these young lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Memorial Day when you remember and honor all of your soldiers who have fought for your freedom in many wars. It is an honor that these soldiers could sacrifice their lives for their country. These are great losses to their families and friends, but it is the price that you pay in using wars to fight tyrants, communists, and terrorists. Satan is behind much of this killing in wars. Keep praying for peace because I am more powerful than all of these evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard a saying: ‘If people cannot learn from the mistakes of the past in these wars, then they will be doomed to repeat them.’ Life is too precious to be killing people in wars or in abortions. I have made each of you in My Image with free will, to either love Me or not. I have given you this gift of free will, even though I know that many will not choose the right path by loving Me. I want My people to love Me without being forced. This is true love when it is freely chosen by My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My son, I know that you have heard Me tell you to pray your long form of the St. Michael Prayer before you start and when you return home. Place some blessed salt around in your vehicle as protection from the evil ones who try to give you trouble by causing accidents or car problems as flat tires that you have had in the past. This prayer of exorcism of the demons who want to harm you, is powerful protection for all of your travels. Trust in My protection as you go about spreading My Good News of salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, marriage between a man and a woman in the Church is a beautiful love story that unites two lives for the rest of their lives. In Matrimony I am the third partner as I bring My grace over this sacramental union. You see this brought out when the two light the unity candle as a sign of their true love for each other. Pray for your young people to get married in the Church, instead of living together in mortal sin of fornication. Such relationships become an ongoing occasion of sin outside of marriage. If you truly love someone to have children, then it is best to be in the married state. Do not be influenced by what others are doing in sin, or if your society accepts living together. Follow My laws and you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Source: ➥