Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, June 2, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014: (St. Marcellinus & St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a spider catching its prey in a web, is very similar to how the devil catches sinners in the entanglement of worldly things and addictions. You are familiar with how a hunter also sets snares to catch animals for food. So the devil sets up snares to catch the sinners in ways of sin. He takes advantage of your human weaknesses, and your laziness in your spiritual lives. When you do not pray, and you do not come to Sunday Mass, you are weakening your spiritual defenses, and you are more open to fall into sin from the devil’s temptations. Your best defense against sin, is to keep close to Me, and ask My help to avoid sinful temptations. By your prayers and receiving My sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, you can build up yourself with My graces. Avoid places of temptation, and work to avoid any addictions that could control you, and destroy your peace. You know the devil’s tricks by your previous mistakes, so learn from them to avoid committing the same sins. The devil never sleeps or takes a vacation, so you need to be on guard against his web of sin at all times, every day. Your soul is in a battle, and you need to follow My ways and not your ways, so you can have your soul saved for heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many pirated copies of movies and songs all over the internet. This is stealing millions of dollars from the movie makers and song writers. There are some imitation products from China in many of your stores. The Chinese and others are hacking into your factories and banks to steal trade secrets of even your latest military weapons. They have plenty of money to create an advanced military that could threaten America’s military, especially in the Pacific Ocean. There is very little being done to stop this computer terrorism. Other viruses are being put in many of your financial companies to create denial of service, or to steal information about people’s credit cards or bank accounts. This is why most countries are going to chipped credit cards to stop the thievery. It is hard to protect yourselves from these hackers, so you have to watch your charges closely. It is hard for your government to stop the copies and cheap imitations from China, because you do so much business with them. Your internet is useful, but it has many problems with security.”
Source: ➥