Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Philip was urged by the Spirit to help the eunuch to understand the passage from Isaiah that he was reading. St. Philip explained how I was the One whom Isaiah was writing about. St. Philip evangelized the eunuch and baptized him by immersion in the water. This was a blessing for the eunuch as St. Philip then disappeared by a miracle. Sometimes you may also be moved by the Spirit to help someone come to the faith. If they desire to be baptized and join My Church, you can help them come to the classes that will teach them the faith. My faithful should be reaching out to save souls, and especially help those who are open to being evangelized. My apostles were sent out two by two to spread My Good News. Now, My faithful of today are called to do the same, and to encourage the lukewarm to return to Sunday Mass. Many of the young adults are getting spiritually lazy in their lack of Mass attendance, once they leave their parents’ house. You parents need to gently encourage your children to remain close to Me in their prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass. My Third Commandment says that you should worship Me on Sunday, and it is a sin to disobey this Commandment. Reach out to save souls from being lost in hell. Many souls know what they should be doing, but they are allowing the distractions of the world to lead them away from Me.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of you steering a large sailing ship, is all about keeping your soul on the right course of following Me. When you are sailing, you tack left and right with the wind, and you follow a course by a compass setting. You are the one guiding your soul through life’s storms, and you are setting your course to follow Me to the beautiful harbor of My love in heaven. If you should make a wrong turn, you can always come to Me in Confession, and I will set you back on the right course. Do not let the devil or the worldly addictions control you in any way.”
Jesus said: “My people, the pilots who fly your planes, also need to keep their planes on course by homing in on radio beacons. Just as ships use lighthouses to know their positions, so planes use beacons on land and monitor satellites to keep on their course. With planes you also are dealing with three dimensions in the air, and they fly around or above the storms. In life you are always encountering difficulties in your health, your job, and your vocation. This is why it is good to keep calling on My help in prayer to get you through your trials. I am looking out for all of your needs, so trust in Me to guide you to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, you did well to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer at the beginning and the return of your trip. You may think that I am asking you to take a lot of precautions for your protection on the road. The evil ones want to attack you and keep you from helping souls. You have seen these attempts in your accidents and flat tires. By using your blessed salt and your prayers of protection, you can ward off any attacks from the demons. When you are tested in life’s trials, you can also call on Me and I will send My angels to help you and comfort you. I am grateful that you have been faithful to your mission in giving talks in various cities so you could spread My Good News of salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I should always be the center of your life, and you need to consult with Me in confirming your daily plans. You make plans for how to build your home. You plan your financial budget to see what kind of home and car that you could afford. You even plan for your education, your possible marriage, and your retirement. By involving Me in all of your plans, then I can help confirm that you are making the right decisions. I know your needs before you ask for My help, so allow Me to lead you on a path that will bring all of your family members to heaven. Planning to come to heaven by a good prayer life and following My Commandments, will be the best means of reaching your goal of being with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you are building things, you need to have the right skills and the proper tools to carry out your project. At times you need to follow the necessary directions to construct a house or other things as a driveway. When you want to get to heaven, you also need the right helps and directions. You use prayers with your rosaries and Masses. You also have your sacramental weapons of a Benedictine cross, rosary, scapular, blessed salt, and holy water. I offer you My sacraments of grace during your life from Baptism until the last rites. I give you a manual of how to live in My Commandments and My Word in the Scriptures. By following My directions, you can be on the right path to heaven by giving your will over to My Divine Will.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Church has canonized many saints over the years, and they indeed are good role models to imitate. Living in the human condition can be very trying when you lose a job, or you have serious health problems. You should also be looking out for how you can help people in their financial and spiritual needs. At times you may be called to go out of your comfort zone to help someone. Do not be selfish with your time and money, but share them with others so you are avoiding any sins of omission. My saints are in a higher place in heaven for what they suffered and accomplished on earth. You can strive for the higher places in heaven by seeking to be a saint yourself with My help.”
Jesus said: “My people, if there is anything to plan for, your most important plan is for the final destination of your soul. Your bodies are mortal, so you will die, but your soul will live on forever. This is why planning your soul’s destination is the most important decision of your life. If you want to come to heaven, then you will need to be purified in life or in purgatory because only perfect souls are allowed into heaven. By being faithful to Me in your prayers and good deeds, you will be on the right path. You also need to accept Me as your Savior and ask Me to forgive your sins, as in Confession. By following My ways instead of your ways, you will have your eternal reward of being with Me in heaven.”
Source: ➥