Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014: (Lydia Remacle died at 5:15 a.m.)
Lydia’s (Carol’s mother) comments to me after she died at the nursing home: “There are no arguments in heaven. That is why you should not be fighting with one another. There is only the love of God that envelopes us. I am happy to not have to endure any more breathing problems, stroke symptoms, and knee problems. I thank all of you for being at my bedside throughout my last days. I am happy to be with Camille, my husband, and all of our deceased relatives. I truly love him, and now we are all at peace. I am getting an urging from Jesus to encourage all of the family to pray for all the souls in the family to bring their souls closer to Jesus. I truly love all of my family more than you know, and I thank you for taking care of me, not only in my stroke, but for all the years that I was in your care. I also want to thank all of my caretakers here at St. Ann’s and in the hospital, as well as the ambulance attendants. I thank Carol and John, Sharon and Dave, and Donna and Herm for taking me out to lunch and dinner so many times, even though you did not always want to do it. I thank you for putting up with me in all of my fussy eating habits. Please call all of my living relatives to let them know of my passing and how much I love all of them. Keep the pictures of me around to remember me.”
Camille, Lydia’s deceased husband, gave these comments to me after Lydia died: “After seventy years of marriage, I am happy to be with my ‘Babe’ again. Lydia’s spirit is still around her body for awhile. I am here with Lydia and our deceased relatives to comfort her in transition from life in the body to life in the spirit only. I will still be letting you know of my presence when you see the light in the dining room go on, and any other signs where I have been before. I see her body will be coming next to me
at my grave, so we will be companions in life and companions in heaven. Life outside the body is peaceful and free of all earthly things.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I asked a Samaritan woman to give Me a drink of water from Jacob’s well. The woman was surprised that a Jew would ask a Samaritan for a drink of water. Then I told her how she had five husbands, and now she was living with another man. I asked her if she would like My ‘living water’ so she would not have to drink this water again. I was speaking to her about receiving God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in Holy Communion. She mentioned how the Messiah would come to teach people all things. I told her that I was He. She ran to bring the people to hear Me, and they believed that I was the Savior, when they heard My words. The flashback of your wife bringing Holy Communion to her mother, is similar to giving the woman at the well My ‘living water’. Rejoice that Lydia is coming to heaven as soon as her transition to her new life is completed.”
Source: ➥